Dark Days.

There are many who are confused right now, not sure what to think or feel. There are others who are living in fear of everything that is pumped out. And more, still, who were living in hope, who were waking and rising and ascending, who have recently suffered a set back and are now experiencing a dark night of sorts. These people have touched me in multiple ways and changed the course of my journey: for as we all know, our threads are connected; what one of us does, thinks, hears, feels, applies to us all.

This message is for you, as well as for those who are already fully comfortable, confident and actualised. It’s been an intense 14 months and already a crazy year.

So my question today is: What lies ahead?… because I feel that is what we most would like to know.

We have all lost the rug that was situated beneath us (whether that be 5, 10, 20, 50… years ago, or several months, weeks or days…) and discovered that what we thought we knew, what we learned and what we were told and taught, is simply part of a narrative. The truth, if we seek to find it, if we can stomach such a rude awakening in our bodies and in our lives, is far more complex and nefarious. For those of you who know: you know. And for those who don’t: perhaps that’s just fine; perhaps it’s where you should be right now and even for the rest of your journey. Opening the lid on Pandora’s box is not a thing to do lightly, nor a thing that work or serves for all.

Deck used is Dark Days tarot written by Emily Mundy and illustrated and designed by Wren McMurdo. It felt like an apt deck.

The Page of Swords

In the centre of this black card there is a white rose with four leaves that curve and sweep outwards to wrap themselves over and around the two circles of delicate outlined flowers that are crowding its girth. This is as a garden beginning to grow, a gathering around a leader, those who are new and freshly arisen, who have only just broken through the earth’s crusted surface reaching up towards the light and in towards that which appears strongest and most confident. They seek a parent, perhaps, or else a leader, and this large white rose is the first thing they see. Like a child, they imprint upon it and then wait to see what they are shown, taught and told. Is this the Christed Light? Or a being from the future? Or else an Angel come to earth to save them or some other high vibrational being? Or is it simply the largest, strongest flower, that will in time rise and swell to overshadow them and block the light? You decide.

Around this circle there is an outer circle of heads, each resembling a phase of the moon, therefore representing the lunar cycle. Their heads are bare. Their eyes are closed. They are entranced. Only their tongues are active and they are barbed. They whisper lies to each other and also everyone else who can hear, and the poor newbie flowers, because they are contained within this greater circumference, are subject to it all. Day after day. Hour after hour…. Birds hover and fly all around, stirring up trouble, but also issuing a warning. And at the bottom, hidden within the name, there is an envelope with a dagger crossing it. Guard your truth? Be careful of what you say? Be awake, for words can harm you? Or else dip into and protect their power?

What’s you choose to read here is what is meant for you. I am guided to leave it there. To attempt to elaborate would be to meddle in your life and to endeavor to force a narrative upon your future.

Keywords from accompanying booklet: vigilance in minding what you say.






The Chariot

The woman in this card is alone. She is riding a bike. Her bike contains many tiny slices of new moon, or perhaps the moon waxing and waning? She has several tattoos – a bicycle, birds and three moons; take charge of your own destiny, trust your own navigation, look to the skies. These are dark, the opposite of those on the tyres, suggesting they are super important messages. Her feet are bare (freedom, authenticity) and she is wearing only a flimsy dress (self expression, choice). Also, is it spring or summer? Behind her there are many birds, and also several slices of moon and fluffy clouds. Noise!! Chatter!!! The sun, or moon, to her left is part covered in dark, menacing clouds. Are they trying to cover its beauty, conceal its power, obliterate its message. She is either travelling through something or fleeing something and yet there is no fear, only focus and determination.

The Chariot represents the need for choice, presenting the options to us. Traditionally, there are two sphinxes – one white, one black – and I usually read it as: time to pick a side. Yet here it feels like the side is already picked and the action is already taken, so it’s simply a matter of holding your ground, staying balanced and in your centre and continuing to move forwards.

Keywords from accompanying booklet: proper use of control; willpower; momentum.




“I am committed to bringing forth my greatness. I will no longer play small.” Spirit Junkie card deck by Gabrielle Bernstein

The first thing to notice about this card is that the centre looks like an eye, or even, dare I say it, a vagina, opening up to embrace the world. It’s a waking up of something that has been barely awake or even absent and sleeping. We are being encouraged to focus on our intuition, to work on feeling through and seeing clearly from our all-seeing eye, and also feeling into and birthing from our centre for creating. Arise, therefore, and bring forth.

The next thing of note is the linking in the centre of the coloured ribbons or stripes, indicative of joined hands. It is a clarion call, a cry to action, asking those who are on the same page as this message and who are here receiving it to rise up and join in with others who are also awakening to speak of what they see.

There is blue: truth, emotional freedom. Yellow: that which your gut shares, the message in your belly. Green: health and healing through and from the heart. And pink: love, friendship, forgiveness, a softening into a more accepting and accommodating way of living your life.

And it’s a bit like a zebra, only you are being asked to be different. Stop thinking in terms of black and white. Stop choosing left or right, A or B, him or her, up or down, etc. Expand. Grow. Be bigger. For there are multiple explanations for everything that exists and many paths down which to flow.

Do not limit yourself. Be not afraid.

When it comes to what you believe, stay true to yourself and ignore those who seek to overpower you.

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and channelled insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.


This reading is for the week ahead, beginning October 5th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way)… waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look: the more you learn to see. The more you listen: the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and TOGETHER we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.


As we move into the second week of October prepare for war: you might be called upon to defend your word. Anticipate the presence of haters and you will be better prepared. This, in turn, will ensure a better outcome further into the week when the Wheel of Fortune offers you an opportunity. Pick a side. Or don’t. But stand by your decision and let that alone be your guide.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Seven of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Queen of Pentacles

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is the Seven of Wands, depicting a man atop of a cliff backed right up against the edge. Feet straddling a stream, body and mind pitted against many other opposing individuals and their needs, desires and intentions: the card suggests a clashing of opinions and pressure to pick or change sides by those who are threatened by the stance you are choosing to take. Is your line of thinking around a certain subject slightly controversial or forward-thinking? Or are you daring to be different? This card suggests the answer is YES!!! Which is perfectly fine, and even admirable. But take time to really assess what you are choosing to believe in and make sure you are on the right side. Have your opinion, but know that having it might come with a cost and a fight. Don’t let yourself be swayed though. Just because the bullies speak the loudest and fight with the strongest fists, doesn’t mean they are to be trusted or believed. Often the quietest whisper is the voice that is the most true.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Wheel of Fortune and how this card plays out for you this week will depend greatly on how you responded on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the things that stepped into your path. Make sure you are supporting the right side, make sure that that side is also your side, the side your intuition would pick, the side your higher self would choose, the side those who have passed and whom you love and respect would also select, and fortune will turn in your favour. Pick the wrong one… and who knows what course your life might take. If you’ve spent too much of your life being dictated to by others, and perhaps been derailed as a result, this is your chance to set that right and return to your true life path.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen has accumulated much wealth in her life and has a life which looks shiny and desirable to many from the outside. But what is the cost and how great is the sacrifice? What has she had to forgoe or give up? And was it worth it? If what you are sacrificing in order to have the life you have: is this sacrifice taking too much away; is it also taking too much of a toll; are you tired, weary, sick? Reassess what you are doing and why and either get right with it or get out. Life is about what’s behind the camera not in front and in order to have the life you want you need to be the director of it all.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

One toe at a time. 🚿

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.

This reading is for the week ahead, beginning September 28th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way), waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and together we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.

As we move into the final week of September and the first week of October, the focus is on our emotions and how we nurture and manage them. We are also guided to express gratitude for all that we have, unearthing and uncovering treasures perhaps hidden to ourselves. This, we are told, will set us on the right track to feel fully confident and strong, should any uninvited tussles arrive. But pay attention… after a calm week, perhaps an emotionally challenging weekend.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • Temperance
  • The Nine of Cups
  • The Five of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Temperance and the first thing that comes to mind here are the words: temper your emotions. When I think of temperance, I think of temper and how we often let it get the better of us and lose control. How we let it overtake us and consume us. The message here is: you don’t want to cast a cloud over the start of the week by letting your emotions fly; you also don’t want someone else’s temper to rain all over you. In addition, this card is also advising you to spend time balancing and tempering your energy, releasing any trapped emotions, maybe some that you have been carrying for an overly long time, and assessing and strengthening your boundaries. Take this slowly, dipping one toe at a time into the water. Trust that the more you commit to this inner work and personal and ancestral healing, the more magnificent your life will be and the less people will try to psychically attack you. Be that which you wish to attract and in time your life will reflect this back.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Nine of Cups. Here we are being prompted to take a long hard look at our life and give gratitude and thanks for all that we have. And even if we might wish for a bigger house, better car, more money to buy more of the things we need; or freedom to travel the world as we please, visiting people, places and planetary treasures; or a better job, better health, better relationships, etc., we still have plenty we can feel thankful for. Make a list of what you feel blessed to have, to have experienced, to do, know, believe, etc. And work to add to it every day. Gratitude is like a garden: tend to it and flowers bloom, but neglect it and weeds grow.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Five of Wands, which suggests a turbulent weekend. But this is also what the week has been preparing us for and we are ready for the challenge being presented. Anticipate conflict. Expect a jarring or clashing of opinion. Entertain the notion that voices will rise, tempers flare and emotions heighten. Do your best to stand your ground, speak your truth and stand up for what you believe in. Work hard to assert and protect your boundaries and you will suffer less at the hands fools. If you can hold your head up high, plant your feet squarely and send your roots deep into the earth, all the while picturing yourself as a tree, solid and unflappable, you will be well prepared. See this card is a test to your progress so far, how you respond to it a guide to where you still need to go when it comes to healing, growth and development.

And our bonus card, also for the weekend, is the Wheel of Fortune. This card suggest the power is ours and how we choose to respond to our week the maker of our fortune. If we have done the personal work and prepared, if we have chosen our battles wisely, then fortune is set to deal in our favour. But if we have squandered our week and played hookey from our responsibilities, if we have allowed ourselves to react, disconnect and get triggered, then the outcome might not be so kind. The Wheel of Fortune is a harbinger of change and allowing this can be difficult. But, whatever way the wheel spins and whatever direction your fortune unravels in, know that it is not permanent; for just as this came to pass, so too will other things. Nothing is constant, this is the only thing we can ever truly know.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Navigate these waters and there will be calmer times ahead. 🛶

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.

This reading is for the week ahead, beginning September 21st, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way), waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and, together, we will navigate the winding path that is the tarot.

As we move into the fourth week of September, the focus is on how we see ourselves and how that person dictates the decisions we make and what we do with our life. For how we respond to him or her affects everything, especially when it comes to creating wealth. Prepare for a journey of some kind and work out what painful truths you want to carry with you. Perhaps it is time to let them go.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The World
  • The King of Pentacles
  • The Six of Swords

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is The World. I see this card as a mirror and an invitation to stand before it and really look at who we are without the packaging we carefully wrap around us. When we strip off everything – fake, superficial, applied – and gaze upon ourselves without clothing, washing or makeup; without costume: what do we see, who are we, are we comfortable with that person or is he or she carrying a lot of unnecessary worry, guilt, regret, fear and pain? Can we then look into that same mirror and call upon our best self, our higher self, or our quantum or future self, and commune with him or her? What would they say given the chance? Imagine the advice would they give; what you can learn from them and then apply? This card is a gentle wake-up call, an invitation to really show up with all of our truths laid bare. Take ownership of your shadow. Embrace both your darkness as well as your light.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is The King of Pentacles. Now it’s time to get to work, looking out over the kingdom of your life and evaluating its worth. Where are you wealthy? What are your riches? And how could you grow and nurture more? Get creative, active and busy, grounding all of the introspection you did in the earlier part of the week. Apply the lessons you learned and till them into the soil.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is The Six of Swords, which has a sad and nostalgic energy. Thanks to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, though, we are prepared for this because it’s not necessarily a ‘this’ that we want to inhabit, accommodate, admit-to or endure. But endure we must, for, as with everything in life, we cannot take only the good and dismiss the bad. A journey is approaching – or perhaps you are already on it – and likely it is not, or will not, be one of your choosing or making. Perhaps it’s something you just have to commit to because… This journey will likely contain painful truths or necessitate the packing-up and transporting of the uncomfortable truths we already have and have carried with us thus far in order to relocate them. But you have a choice and this is important. What you choose to carry with you; who you choose to travel with, and how you see that journey are things you can affect. If the news is difficult; if the narrative isn’t one you’d welcome or invite: you can still repaint it. Not every disaster is a death sentence. Not every hiccup, setback or slight is as much of a misfortune as we might think. Reframe the journey that has been imposed upon you or embolden yourself to choose your own course, even if it ruffles a few feathers and rocks a fair few boats. Navigate these waters and there will be calmer times ahead.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Is it in my highest good to walk away from this relationship ‘right now’, or am I supposed to stay where I am for the time being? 🧵

Relationship reading for romantic, familial and platonic relationships to see if the person in question is worth all of the effort and/or even supposed to still be in your life.

Relationships can be tricky things, especially if we really care for the person we are with, and even more so if we have been together for a long time. But regardless of the duration of your relationship: knowing whether you are in the right place and just journeying through something on a cosmic level that needs to be aired and shared and is supposed to be happening to and for the both of you in order for a trauma (yours or ancestral) to be healed, or whether you are stuck stubbornly treading water because the path you were on together has reached its end and you just aren’t ready to see and accept that as the case yet, is pretty important and vital. Getting it wrong can lead to unnecessary pain and cost time in years. We come together for a reason, always, no matter who we are with and who we meet. Even the disasters are supposed to be. What isn’t supposed to be, however, is a prolonged bad anything. It is not ok to be in a relationship where there is a lack of respect. It is not ok for there to be a dismissal of personal boundaries. It is not ok for there to be shouting and anger and unkind words if those actions aren’t swiftly followed by a retraction, surrender and apology. There are good relationships and there are bad relationships and there are extenuating circumstances. But even here there are lines and there is a limit to what we should be ok with.

Are you putting up with more than you should be and accepting less than you deserve?

Are you in a stalemate and waiting for someone who doesn’t want to, or has been left behind, to catch up and change?

Are you accepting second, or even third or fourth, best behaviour when you need and in your heart you know you should be experiencing so much more?

This reading is intended to be a guide to help you to sort through the questions that you are juggling so that you can come away feeling more decided and clear. It is not a black and white answer. It is not a “yes” or “no”. It is a conversation you can have with yourself while or after you are listening to me to hold up the mirror of truth to what is. What you do next is up to you.

This reading’s cards come from the Dreaming Way Tarot; deck by Rome Choi, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. with artwork by Kwon Shina. Check out their website if you can find it (I can’t) if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Six of Pentacles
  • The Seven of Swords
  • The Nine of Pentacles

Watch the video below to find out what it’s message is. Then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Below is a brief summary of the cards pulled in case you don’t have time to watch the video. But you will get much more from it if you do.

The Wheel of Fortune sits in the position of the past and shows a women spinning at a wheel with a spindle, trying but failing to spin a perfect spool of yarn. She’s on her knees, up close and personal to her equipment, putting her heart and soul into it. And her intentions are pure. Yet we can see she’s failing miserably, unable to produce a satisfactory, or even a useable, result. Instead, what she is producing appears to be a tangled mess. This card indicates that in the past you have tried, over and over, to create and to live within a healthy right relationship with both yourself and your partner(s) but there have been blocks that have always stood in your way and no matter how often you showed up or how hard you tried, something was always there thwarting your efforts and tearing your achievements and progress down. Perhaps this was just your fate and there is/was nothing you can or could have done about it? Perhaps it’s because it takes two to create a beautiful relationship and you have/are mostly sat working the wheel alone? Or perhaps it’s simply because you are forever choosing the wrong thread? Sit with this and reassess the situation and let that guide you how to best continue.

The Six of Pentacles sits in the position of the present and shows us a woman begging at the feet of a man. She is wearing white, as well as wearing a turban, which shows us she is on a spiritual path and that her intentions, at least here, are pure. Next to her there is a beggar, humbled and desperate, happy to accept any scraps that are given regardless of their quantity or quality. But the man they are prostrating themselves to, who looks at least materially wealthy, as in rich in objects and earthly things, is on a different path and has distractions which do not concern them. They are there as dependants, things that need taking care of once in a while, things that can be subdued and placated with a little every so often, like a pet, but not there as a focus of energy or attention in his life. Neither the woman nor the beggar are a priority, or even of much concern or importance at all. Which leaves the woman having to pay for the attention and time she gets in acts of service and kindness and the beggar involuntarily wearing a crown of humility and gratitude for something that is essentially useless. One has become a prostitute in an attempt to get their needs met, the other an acolyte. And all the while the former is still hoping to receive time and tenderness and the latter something useful like a job. This card is calling into question the matter of balance in your life and how even and fair things are. If there is inequality in your relationship; if one person is giving too much and the other showing up only to take: things need talking about and changing immediately if there is to be a harmonious future ahead.

The Seven of Swords – which pairs with this card in the present – highlights more energetic imbalances. Here we see a man running away from us, legging it home in order to stash his horde of swords. He is a thief, running off with what isn’t his because instead of earning it fairly or being given it freely as something that wanted to be given, he has snuck in and taken it regardless, to have and to keep all for himself. There is no unity here, no comradeship, no ‘you’ and ‘me’. It is all ‘mine’, ‘mine’, ‘mine’; absolutely no sharing. This man is scared that he will not have enough or not be prepared for whatever it is he believes is coming and for that reason he is not working together with you; he is just building his own home according to his design. This could be a mental home or a career home, but it’s not a love one. For a love reading: note how there are no love or romance cards. We are lacking the suit of Cups. And we are lacking the energy of union and comradeship too. It’s each to their own and one man against the world, so where does that leave you? Maybe you are included in this ‘my house’, ‘my world’ mentality. And if so: is it where you really want to be? Is it the energy you want to fill a home with? And if not: where does that leave you and what is happening to your house?

The Nine of Pentacles sits in the space of the future and shows us a woman celebrating financial success after having planted a crop of seeds which have grown to yield a healthy crop. This card is telling us that we have to separate our energies and focus more on ourselves. Which means we also have to stop pouring all of our time and energy into others. The overriding message here is, “first fix yourself”, applying your own oxygen mask before turning to the problems and dramas of those around you, for they will always be there and you can never keep up because the world is forever turning. If you can do this while in your current relationship and choose to do so: then by all means try. The universe is behind you here because it’s in the cards for you to succeed in what you turn your hand to. But if you find that you are too distracted or your time is not your own, or you are not emotionally able to focus on or begin anything from the space you are in now: then the message is to cut the thread, disentangle your energy and your life and begin again alone. You are strong and whatever you apply yourself to, so long as you are not distracted by things that are outside of and, ultimately, beyond your grasp, will grow. Decide how you want to grow and what you want to be growing and then figure out the type of soil you need to be tilling and nurturing.


If you would like to know more about me and the things that stir me, ignite me and light me up and would also like to hear more about my personal take on things that are important and relevant to the collective right now… I discuss them on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health, finance and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

When life hands you Lemons. 🍋

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it can feel like life is out to get us or at least like she isn’t currently on our side. And we can wonder too at what’s up with our guardian angels, because it feels like they also have deserted us.

When life turns against you; when she hands you lemons: what do you do and how do you find the strength to keep going until you reach the other side? When the milk in the pitcher is always sour no matter how many times you return to milk the cow: how do you cut the chords that have become emmeshed so that you can go out and find a different animal?

A lot of it can come down to self-belief. If you don’t love yourself enough, if you don’t believe that you are worthy: you aren’t going to take the risk; you may even lack the confidence to trust in the potential of your own power. And if birds keep defecating on us each time we pluck up the courage to get dressed and venture outside… pretty soon we’re going to stop putting in the effort, perhaps even concluding right now isn’t the right time. It can be hard to trust in the Universe and in the Bigger Narrative when all of our small attempts to change the scenery are met with resistance and failure. Eventually… we start to doubt the Powers That Be.

After all…why do our efforts to change and improve the situations that have become toxically binding amount to nothing each time we muster up the courage to try? Why does our time, energy, hope and faith turn to dust in our palms?

In order to understand this ‘why’, we need to first understand the ‘why’ behind the lemons we are dealt and the box of them that we have managed to accumulate. And really, when we break it all apart, it comes down to this:

  • what have you done that causes you to believe you deserve this – these bad things – in your life?
  • when did you learn that you weren’t loveable and worthy?
  • who told you you didn’t deserve to be happy, healthy and have all of your needs met?
  • where did you pick up that you had to put others first always, no matter what?
  • who told you it was selfish to have rules of engagement and to ask for them to be met?
  • who told you you were a bad person, unworthy, not good enough, clever enough, strong enough, capable enough, etc?
  • what is it about you that makes you believe other people are more worthy of love, happiness, family, community, friendship, fulfilment, stability, security, health, harmony and peace, etc?

Somewhere inside – like deep, deep down – we all have limiting beliefs, and it is these beliefs that shape and guide us and that is why life hands us lemons, not because it doesn’t love us or want us to be happy but because we don’t believe we warrant more. In order to receive we first have to accept that we are worthy, and then comes the journey of allowing things in with open arms.

So in the interim of therapy – which we can all agree would be super nurturing, expansive, helpful and nice – what can we do to hold space for ourselves and how can we move into a place of surrender, faith and healing?

Let’s ask the cards…

The Owl bids us to listen to the messages of the angels and to the knowledge we have inside, for just as they are here for us as teachers, we are here as teachers for those in our own tribe. Use your wisdom responsibly and always blend it with love, because it carries both energy and weight. With words, a mother can either wound or heal, cause a child to grow or shrink. As a soul parent to the people around you, how does your family look? This is not to say that you should accept drama, theatrics and game playing from anyone. Never is this ok. Simply an encouragement that you acknowledge the wider ripples of how you interact and respond. The more distance you can put between yourself and a heated situation – i.e. rise up above it all like a bird, surveying the scene from a more objective less emotionally involved vantage point – the more chance you have of piloting through.

The Bear furthers this message, advising us to use power – our power, the power of our energy and truth, the power located in our solar plexus – with wisdom. In applying the insight of the Owl – that to look and listen and to rise above, that to free ourselves from unhealthy entanglements – the Bear shows us how important it is to be grounded, because being connected to the Earth enables us to come from a place of centredness and stability. Practice yoga for an amount of time and you will come to sense this. When we adopt the Mountain Pose, for instance, we can be poked or pushed and still remain standing. We are stronger when we fully inhabit our bones rather than when we collapse upon them. The Bear reveals the strength within each and every one of us, but also reminds us of the need to hibernate. If the world is a little scary right now, if your personal or work environment is challenging, if the walls are crumbling and your home-sweet-home is stubbornly falling down: retreat, go onwards, take care. You may need to walk alone for a little while while you figure out who you really are. And that’s ok; you are the one who sets the deadline on your destination.

The Lilac Fire dragon completes this journey, showing us how to transmute any lower energies that are in our lives. This, in turn, frees us up to attract more higher energies, which are the ones we want. On the path of lemons, this means there will be less and less, because lemons are all about lower energies and entities: the things that come to steal our light. The Lilac Fire dragons, like all of the dragons in this deck, are fifth dimensional creatures but unlike the others they have access to the ninth dimension too where there is a new energy being gifted. This energy, that of the Lilac Fire of Source, carries transcendent love and enlightenment. Call in this dragon and ask her to help you to let go of the old so that you are able to embrace the new. Imagine the chords that are wrapped around you. See how tight and tangled they have become. Follow them outwards to see where they go. Who are the people? What are the places or situations? Take note of this, then ask the Lilac Fire Dragon to help you perform a chord-cutting ceremony. Spend time on this in meditation and afterwards cleanse the room with sage, palo santo, or a room cleansing spray made up of water, alcohol and essential oils. Great ones would be sage, palo santo and lavender. Why not mix them all together in a bottle and use them regularly to clear the energies in your room, and also diffuse them if and when someone has come in and disturbed the energy. If you only have lavender, this is ok too. You can always blend it with other oils you might have. Ones that will also work are lemon, orange, rosemary, oregano, peppermint, frankincense, clove, cinnamon, pine, cedar and spruce. I always find its best to go by intuition, so smell a few and see what speaks to you. It will change from day to day or week to week, so be open to this too. Trust your senses.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Do you have a resident energy vampire? 🧛🏻

Just going about our lives takes a lot of energy. We have tasks, chores and responsibilities, both to ourselves and others. Then there are our relationships and the commitment, effort and emotion we bring to them. All before we even get to work, appointments and meetings. And this is just the surface layer: our lives are full of so many different things…

Add to that world dramas – of which, currently, there is no shortage – and it’s no wonder we are feeling a bit lacklustre. Some might even say burnt out; fried by the constant push and pull of demands and the pace and passion of the media. I know I am not alone in having reached a point of overload.

Which is why self-care is so important. And why we need to get plenty of sleep and do things like meditation, breathwork and exercise. And take care of ourselves by eating right and living in a clean environment. There is a lot we can do from the ground up to support ourselves. But it is a daily job and sometimes it isn’t enough.

What if, despite all of this, something is still draining us?

What if part of us or part of someone else’s behaviour is sabotaging or taxing us?

This reading is intended to get to the bottom of what might be draining you, because we all have energy vampires 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♀️ in our lives!!!

The first thing to notice about this reading is it’s need for attention. Usually, I pull one or two cards and wait for that to lead me. If things are still unclear or if there is a need for further information about something the reading has brought to light, I will then draw more, using my intuition to guide me. This reading demanded five cards outright; three literally leaping out of the pack. The cards were full of energy and adamant they be heard, which only adds to the importance of their message.

The Page of Pentacles shows us where our energy is being spent; literally, as pentacles are the money cards. The Page is an enthusiastic childlike character, usually a student, intent on a learning and mastering path. He is either seeking to polish skills or acquire new ones. This Page is focussed on financial improvement and is hard at work studying something that will bring in money and grow his life in that regard. Indicating that you are expending considerable energy on trying to build your career or business, and that the leak is most likely, but not necessarily, related to something to do with work. Are you trying to break into a new area, acquire skills, breathe life into a static situation, or pivot or reinvent yourself? Dreams take focus, drive and energy. To counter-balance this, we must be mindful that we are also filling up our tank with plenty of self care. The mountains in the background indicate obstacles to achieving the dream the Page is picturing. Perhaps these obstacles are the things that are draining you? Can you think what they are? Can you shift them in your mindset so that they are more digestible and appealing? The Page is a power card and an energy card and one full of manifestation. When he is in our life we can celebrate: things are underway, we are building, life is changing. We just need to pay attention to and take extra care over the rest of our life, so that we stay healthy. When you were younger and you were studying for an exam, did you not eat right and make sure you also had plenty of rewards to keep up your enthusiasm? Your body needs this from you still, so pay attention to your present moment and be a good parent.

The Five of Cups seeks to explain where other parts of our energy might be being spent, helping to bring clarity to why we might feel like we are running out of it. After all, time spent studying and learning and acquiring new skills, although challenging and mentally draining, is positive energy usage and therefore self-charging. Don’t you always feel energised by learning something new; picking up a new insight? The Five of Cups, however, is a very different energy, because it is all about disappointment, despondency and regret. This card can simply be explained by the phrase “crying over spilt milk”. The character in this card is sad and distracted from his present life and its wealth by that which he has lost. He is stuck in the past, wishing things were different and could be different now. Where are you lamenting over things that are behind you? What do you regret not having, losing or breaking, even? Why is what you don’t have so much more valuable to you than what you have? This preoccupation with the past and things that didn’t turn out the way you liked, is your energy vampire. Think about who you might need to forgive and get on a path of releasing and healing. If you don’t want to do it alone, or can’t, a therapist would be useful and help make it easier.

Our next card, the Knight of Wands, is brave and energetic and full of enthusiasm. He is gainfully employed and happy to be serving both his kingdom and his community. This energy usage, although high, is positive, because it is the act of creation; so no need to worry here. The Knight, given his mission, has a clear picture in his head of what he is intending to accomplish, a strong desire in his heart of what he hopes this will reap, and a tug of intuition in his belly of how to acquire it. Therefore, if we are also the Knight, we are likely investing a lot of energy into our crusade – the crusade of the Page of Pentacles, the crusade to build the life we want to build in our world. This is not an energetic vampire, however, for the pursuit is one of enthusiasm and passion, and, like the Page, self-charging. This card merely shines a light on where energy is going. It is a window, not a call for attention or a cry for help.

The Ace of Wands is another manifesting card, in which we are using our wand – our creativity, our intuition and imagination – to create change. The hand coming out of the clouds indicates that we are channeling a lot of what we are doing right now directly from Source, (or our higher self, or our guides, or whoever it is we receive from). This work is tiring and takes a lot of energy, but it is rewarding too and so not the source of our exhaustion. But picture the image on the card, or see it in the video: you are attempting to create your ideal life – the lush green landscape, the full blue stream, the castle on the hill. This level of manifestation and pulling into being is hard work. Do not under estimate how much energy this is using. Appreciate that, and give thanks to your mind and body for staying strong for you. And, again, up the levels of self-love and care.

The Two of Swords concludes our reading and reveals to us the solution. We are at a metaphysical crossroads. We are pulling in different directions. Essentially, a stand off. In order to make the future arrive in all of its glory, as in arriving as a future we can be happy in and feel proud of, a future we are desiring, we need to let go of some things and make some decisions. These things are whatever the contents of the three spilled cups (see Five of Cups card) is for you. This card reveals that the reason things aren’t happening at the speed you want, the reason you are failing and being let down or feeling sabotaged, the reason you are drained, is because you are blocking yourself from moving forwards. You have shuttered your intuition and bound your true voice. You have stranded yourself on an inhospitable shore. And you are refusing to see clearly about certain things playing out in you life. Because of this, no ships full of treasure (see rocky shore, stormy sea, dark night…) can dock.

Watch the video or find the above cards, either in your own deck or from images online, and spend some time adding your own thoughts and realisations. This will help you to get the most out of the card and to implement the advice and guidance given.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

How can I attract more clients and grow my business? 🌳

In any business clients are key, because without people searching you out who are prepared to pay for what you are offering, you are really just an uninhabited house full of useful things, a tv playing to an empty room.

Clients are eyes on the page, subscribers to your channel, people following and liking you. They are influencers who share, recommend and widen your reach. Depending on your field, they are like children seeking toys, companions, parents and cures… or adults sourcing solutions, tools and mentorship. Clients need to be celebrated, rewarded, honoured and appreciated for what they are, because they are not just a means to an income, but a family and a life tribe.

Finding your tribe, building your community, therefore, is the secret to success. But how do we get there if we are stuck on that journey? What is blocking us from building the business and the life we desire?

The King of Cups shows where you are right now, which is deep in your heart. You have desire, passion, a goal and dream… but you are led by your emotions. This has got you a certain amount of the way – you know what you want, you care deeply about what you are trying to create – but beyond that you are stuck. You keep implementing the same strategies, carrying out the same tasks, but nothing is really growing. By focusing on what lights you up and brings you joy alone, you are neglecting the other components necessary to make a business function. Or maybe you are being carried away by what is in your heart and therefore not seeing things clearly. There is a lack of balance here. You are awash in emotion. And as necessary as it is to be in touch with your heart and honest and accommodating of your emotions: it is also important to be grounded and practical. Do you want to be clinging to a concrete throne in the middle of a changeable ocean, vulnerable to every inner and outer shift? Wouldn’t you rather be sat reclining on cushions beneath a shady terrace overlooking a landscaped garden bordered by a gentle stream?

The Magician shows us what the King of Cups has indicated, calling for the cultivation of more structure, order and balance. A master creator, his trick is in bringing all things together. Right now your focus is from the heart, on everything represented by the cups and water. You are doing what you love and what brings you joy because this is what you have been told will be successful. “Follow your heart,”, “do what lights you up,”, etc. But in order to succeed, to attract more clients, to build your business and community: you need to also include the other suits; the pentacles, wands and swords. Lay them all out on your table, use them equally, polish them all as tools. You don’t have to know it all intuitively or even do it all really well, you just need to acknowledge where there is an imbalance or a deficit and find someone who can help you or teach you what to do. The more you lean into the energy of balanced creation – a little bit of earth, a little bit of fire, a little bit of air and a little bit of water – the more you will start to see a return. For just as a garden needs soil, sunlight, fresh air and rain: so do all things we are looking to create.

The Four of Wands is the big reveal, showing us what lies ahead. This card represents balance and harmony, as well as celebration, union, community, family, homecoming, abundance, fortune and success. Essentially, everything we want to have and experience in life. This is a thumbs up card for what you are currently trying to grow, the universe signalling to you that it will happen if you follow the Magician’s advice. Bring together all your talents. Balance any deficits. Seek mentorship or tutelage where necessary. The four wands illustrate that we have grounded our desires and used our emotions to water and grow sturdy legs, creating a table upon which we have laid a rich spread. In addition, there is a shady canopy providing space and protection for your tribe to congregate beneath. This is one of the most positive cards in the tarot and one to be excited about. There is greatness in your future. It is within reach. Knowing this you have everything that is necessary to dream and do big.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What does my inner child need from me right now and how can I be of better service? 🧃🍦

If you are anything like me, you will have found the past four months deeply triggering: external events and the lack of solid facts waking wounds and insecurities you thought you had healed. As human beings, we need certain things in order to function properly; one of which is control over our lives. We also need to feel financially secure, or at least secure enough so that we can keep a roof over our heads and food on our tables in whatever way that translates for us. And we need people too, to take us out of our heads, to be a mirror to who we are and how we act, and to act as family and community. None of this has been available, at least not in the way we have previously known, and this has challenged, changed and provoked our thinking, seeing and experiencing, along with what we think we can expect to think, feel and experience in the future.

So our inner children are unsettled and creating chaos, because if you were little and suddenly got told by your parents that you couldn’t go out anymore and do the things that you love, or see your friends without wearing a mask for protection and didn’t know if you would still have your house next month, your parents their jobs, and you couldn’t go on holiday or buy new things because money was scarce and needed to be conserved not squandered, you’d be asking to be held and heard too.

So what can we do and how can we help?

The Eight of Swords shows us exactly what our inner child is experiencing and this looks a lot like persecution. The woman in the picture has been cast out, exiled from her rose-coloured castle on the mountain top. Left in the middle of nowhere in a clearing on the edge of the forest; tied up and blindfolded: she is unwanted and imprisoned, or this is how it feels to her.

She experiences this as:

  • nobody cares about me; and
  • I am a burden.

And, to a degree, she is correct. We have abandoned her – because she makes us feel uncomfortable, because she experiences the world viscerally, and in our current position of worry and overwhelm, we do not feel able to accommodate that. We are just about able to hold ourselves together, to contain our current version of self-created reality. To let her in, to experience her in all of her anguish and discomfort, all of her messy rage, is to risk all of that crumbling and with it the full weight of the truth as it comes crashing in. This card is predominantly about difficulties in overcoming restriction. It is a metaphor for both the external world and also the inner one. Look closely at how you feel about the world and how you feel it treats you and then reflect on how you treat your inner child. Could there be synchronicities here? If you were kinder to your inner child, do you think maybe the world, the Grand Mother and Great Father, would in turn be kinder to you?

The Nine of Pentacles shows us what she would prefer and what is possible if we can reintegrate her. We can view this card as a mirror for the previous card, an alternate version of the same reality. Instead of being cast out from the rose-coloured castle, this woman lives happily inside of it, free to move around as she pleases, visiting the garden, tending to the plants, mixing with and befriending the animals. The creatures are her friends here, and the environment works in harmony with her own energy system. She is a co-creator in this landscape. Think how happy and healthy we could be if only we could trust this, if we could open ourselves up to the possibility that our inner child is both our ally and our friend. This card represents success and enjoyment and what could be ours with a little work.

The King of Pentacles is the ultimate goal, for he not only lives in the castle but also owns it. If we can trust in our inner power, in our ability to do and create what we set our hearts to and our minds upon, we can live with our inner children, trusting in our ability to take care of both them and ourselves, all working together to create wealth, health and harmony. If we look at the journey of the cards, all we need in order to feel settled, safe, secure, sane, cheerful, capable and grounded, is to take off the blindfold and trust in our version of the world. Be the creator. Make pretty pictures with grey crayons. This card represents financial stability and security, a future that is waiting to come in when we are ready.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x