Dream the seeds of thought into action.

Today’s cards are Change and Dream. And the focus is: what to work on this week. Think about the things in your life that feel stuck, stagnant, stale, sticky, sickly, etc. How do you feel about them? What reactions and emotions do they evoke in you? How would you better like for things to be?

Take these thoughts and apply them to what you intuit from below, because your response, and therefore message, will be individual and unique to you.

Deck used is the Fuzzy Prism Oracle by Holly Simple.

Change shows a circle, let’s call her the Moon, holding up two crescents. She, the Moon, is crying, or else her eyes have been sewn closed so she is no longer seeing in the literal sense that we all do. Instead, she has unclipped/torn/removed the two crescents from in front of her third eye, her all-seeing eye, and extended them way up above her head to see more clearly.

Take a leaf out of her book and close your own two visible eyes. Sit and connect to your third eye and then reach up and push out. Look down on your life and the world around you. What do you see? What do you like, and not like? What advise would you give yourself about how to proceed? Tune into this seeing instead of seeing in the way you are most familiar with and see how helpful it is as you explore the week.

Stepping back from a situation. Rising above it and looking down from a higher vantage point. Getting a different perspective… all help us to see and understand more clearly. In the thick of it, to coin a metaphor, “we can’t see the wood for the trees”.

Dream continues the eye theme, this time just with a lone third eye. It is open, almost too wide, like it has woken up and started seeing things and can’t then shut them out or close down enough to even sleep. This eye looks strung out and worried. It is piercing. It doesn’t let up. It has us hooked.

And yet we can’t stay on always, in the same way as we can’t stay off as much as we might like to. Life is full of change. Nothing stays the same. Therefore, we cannot be complacent. What we love will be lost. What we treasure will be taken. What we rely upon might shut down. And maybe you will be lucky and have a relatively easy journey, only losing people and things at the right time, when they would have been lost anyways. But most likely, mostly because you are here, you will not. Most likely you have lost someone you love way before their time, you will have had friendships stolen and relationships shattered, family sicken and die. You will have been burgled, mugged, molested, violated, ostracised, abandoned, betrayed. You will have experienced mental and/or physical difficulty and ill health. And because of this you will have found out how the world really works and who you can and cannot rely upon. Hard lessons. Tough love.

So perhaps you are a little strung out. Perhaps you are not sleeping. Perhaps you are going to bed far too late, torturing yourself trying to keep up with all that is happening around you.

The message here is Dream. I.E. go to bed earlier; read something soft and light; take a natural sleep aid and catch up on that precious sleep. And when you allow yourself to do this properly, lovingly, respectfully… you will begin to dream. And as those dreams evolve, night after night, they will allow your body to process all that it has been through, and your mind to release and cleanse itself of the trauma. Then, beneath that, that work done, you will get to the real gold, the dreams that can help you to decide and devine your future. Because the best way to elicit change, as in positive change for growth, is to dream the seeds of thought into action.


“I am committed to bringing forth my greatness. I will no longer play small.” Spirit Junkie card deck by Gabrielle Bernstein

The first thing to notice about this card is that the centre looks like an eye, or even, dare I say it, a vagina, opening up to embrace the world. It’s a waking up of something that has been barely awake or even absent and sleeping. We are being encouraged to focus on our intuition, to work on feeling through and seeing clearly from our all-seeing eye, and also feeling into and birthing from our centre for creating. Arise, therefore, and bring forth.

The next thing of note is the linking in the centre of the coloured ribbons or stripes, indicative of joined hands. It is a clarion call, a cry to action, asking those who are on the same page as this message and who are here receiving it to rise up and join in with others who are also awakening to speak of what they see.

There is blue: truth, emotional freedom. Yellow: that which your gut shares, the message in your belly. Green: health and healing through and from the heart. And pink: love, friendship, forgiveness, a softening into a more accepting and accommodating way of living your life.

And it’s a bit like a zebra, only you are being asked to be different. Stop thinking in terms of black and white. Stop choosing left or right, A or B, him or her, up or down, etc. Expand. Grow. Be bigger. For there are multiple explanations for everything that exists and many paths down which to flow.

Do not limit yourself. Be not afraid.

Just breathe, if you can, however you can, and start there. Anything else is icing on top. 🧁

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and channelled insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.


This reading is for the week ahead, beginning October 13th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes bullying kind of way)… waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and TOGETHER we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.


As we move into the third week of October it’s time to pause and slow down, stopping even, if you have to. This is not a week for action, just know that now. Instead, surrender. It is a week of resting and taking stock and just being happy with being you. Once you’ve recouped a little bit and recovered your energies, you can begin to move and plan and look to the future again. For now, just enjoy where you are and try to make the best of it if you can.

This week’s reading comes from the Animal Tarot Cards deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, published by Hay House with artwork by Dan Craig. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Five of Autumn – Manatee
  • The Three of Spring – Sea Turtle
  • Balance – Zebra

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is the Five of Autumn, represented here by the Manatee. Manatees are gentle and slow creatures, as we can see by the picture. They are also very trusting. This little guy looks like he is on pause, looking out of the card to the world beyond for answers, almost like a child or a pet wondering how they can be helped or be of help. This card is reminding you that you don’t have to go it alone. It’s ok to ask for support and guidance when you need it. It’s also ok to not know what to do, not know what is going on, not know what you need by way of solutions and answers. Know that you can always ask God to help you and also turn to higher energies, like angels, archangels and guides. They are there, always, just waiting to hear from you.

Overriding message: you are not alone and it’s ok to need help.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Three of Spring. This card represents hope for the future, it speaks of a return to life, as well as growth, movement and new things coming into being. Be patient. Take your time. Don’t leap to any decisions or conclusions. It’s ok to start looking ahead, but don’t move forwards into the future too far. Instead, look to what you already know and work out how to move that into the next phase of being and doing. Ask yourself if you want to keep travelling in the same direction, mixing with the same people, or if you want to try something entirely different instead.

Overriding message: Plan. Plot. Prepare. But don’t put into action just yet.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is Balance. The message here is to consider all possibilities and mentally test them out. Dip a foot into a new option and see how it feels, but don’t dive in until you’ve explored multiple possibilities and gauged which one is right. Be like Goldilocks: don’t just settle for the first chair, bed, bowl you see… try them all out, if not physically then mentally, to see which one feels, smells, tastes, looks just right. The future is bright and full of possibilities: don’t rush; make sure you make the right and best decision for you. And, again: collaborate. This card is yet another card calling upon reaching out and connecting with others as the solution to where you are. Being a solopreneur in any and all walks of you life might have served you well up until now, might serve you well most of the time, but could you be having a more enjoyable journey, could you be reaping more rewards, could you be gliding over your roadblocks instead of having to stop and dismount and scramble over them if there was more than just you? You may have been taught that it’s better to stand alone, that you can only really trust and rely upon yourself, and maybe in many cases that is true. But it’s also true that there are some really wonderful people out there who would love to work with you. Think about this and then consider reaching out. There are better solutions than the ones you are playing with right now.

Overriding message: consider working with others and building a support team. There is strength in numbers. Asking for help does not make you weak.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

When it comes to what you believe, stay true to yourself and ignore those who seek to overpower you.

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and channelled insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.


This reading is for the week ahead, beginning October 5th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way)… waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look: the more you learn to see. The more you listen: the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and TOGETHER we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.


As we move into the second week of October prepare for war: you might be called upon to defend your word. Anticipate the presence of haters and you will be better prepared. This, in turn, will ensure a better outcome further into the week when the Wheel of Fortune offers you an opportunity. Pick a side. Or don’t. But stand by your decision and let that alone be your guide.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Seven of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Queen of Pentacles

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is the Seven of Wands, depicting a man atop of a cliff backed right up against the edge. Feet straddling a stream, body and mind pitted against many other opposing individuals and their needs, desires and intentions: the card suggests a clashing of opinions and pressure to pick or change sides by those who are threatened by the stance you are choosing to take. Is your line of thinking around a certain subject slightly controversial or forward-thinking? Or are you daring to be different? This card suggests the answer is YES!!! Which is perfectly fine, and even admirable. But take time to really assess what you are choosing to believe in and make sure you are on the right side. Have your opinion, but know that having it might come with a cost and a fight. Don’t let yourself be swayed though. Just because the bullies speak the loudest and fight with the strongest fists, doesn’t mean they are to be trusted or believed. Often the quietest whisper is the voice that is the most true.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Wheel of Fortune and how this card plays out for you this week will depend greatly on how you responded on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the things that stepped into your path. Make sure you are supporting the right side, make sure that that side is also your side, the side your intuition would pick, the side your higher self would choose, the side those who have passed and whom you love and respect would also select, and fortune will turn in your favour. Pick the wrong one… and who knows what course your life might take. If you’ve spent too much of your life being dictated to by others, and perhaps been derailed as a result, this is your chance to set that right and return to your true life path.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen has accumulated much wealth in her life and has a life which looks shiny and desirable to many from the outside. But what is the cost and how great is the sacrifice? What has she had to forgoe or give up? And was it worth it? If what you are sacrificing in order to have the life you have: is this sacrifice taking too much away; is it also taking too much of a toll; are you tired, weary, sick? Reassess what you are doing and why and either get right with it or get out. Life is about what’s behind the camera not in front and in order to have the life you want you need to be the director of it all.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

One toe at a time. 🚿

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.

This reading is for the week ahead, beginning September 28th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way), waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and together we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.

As we move into the final week of September and the first week of October, the focus is on our emotions and how we nurture and manage them. We are also guided to express gratitude for all that we have, unearthing and uncovering treasures perhaps hidden to ourselves. This, we are told, will set us on the right track to feel fully confident and strong, should any uninvited tussles arrive. But pay attention… after a calm week, perhaps an emotionally challenging weekend.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • Temperance
  • The Nine of Cups
  • The Five of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Temperance and the first thing that comes to mind here are the words: temper your emotions. When I think of temperance, I think of temper and how we often let it get the better of us and lose control. How we let it overtake us and consume us. The message here is: you don’t want to cast a cloud over the start of the week by letting your emotions fly; you also don’t want someone else’s temper to rain all over you. In addition, this card is also advising you to spend time balancing and tempering your energy, releasing any trapped emotions, maybe some that you have been carrying for an overly long time, and assessing and strengthening your boundaries. Take this slowly, dipping one toe at a time into the water. Trust that the more you commit to this inner work and personal and ancestral healing, the more magnificent your life will be and the less people will try to psychically attack you. Be that which you wish to attract and in time your life will reflect this back.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Nine of Cups. Here we are being prompted to take a long hard look at our life and give gratitude and thanks for all that we have. And even if we might wish for a bigger house, better car, more money to buy more of the things we need; or freedom to travel the world as we please, visiting people, places and planetary treasures; or a better job, better health, better relationships, etc., we still have plenty we can feel thankful for. Make a list of what you feel blessed to have, to have experienced, to do, know, believe, etc. And work to add to it every day. Gratitude is like a garden: tend to it and flowers bloom, but neglect it and weeds grow.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Five of Wands, which suggests a turbulent weekend. But this is also what the week has been preparing us for and we are ready for the challenge being presented. Anticipate conflict. Expect a jarring or clashing of opinion. Entertain the notion that voices will rise, tempers flare and emotions heighten. Do your best to stand your ground, speak your truth and stand up for what you believe in. Work hard to assert and protect your boundaries and you will suffer less at the hands fools. If you can hold your head up high, plant your feet squarely and send your roots deep into the earth, all the while picturing yourself as a tree, solid and unflappable, you will be well prepared. See this card is a test to your progress so far, how you respond to it a guide to where you still need to go when it comes to healing, growth and development.

And our bonus card, also for the weekend, is the Wheel of Fortune. This card suggest the power is ours and how we choose to respond to our week the maker of our fortune. If we have done the personal work and prepared, if we have chosen our battles wisely, then fortune is set to deal in our favour. But if we have squandered our week and played hookey from our responsibilities, if we have allowed ourselves to react, disconnect and get triggered, then the outcome might not be so kind. The Wheel of Fortune is a harbinger of change and allowing this can be difficult. But, whatever way the wheel spins and whatever direction your fortune unravels in, know that it is not permanent; for just as this came to pass, so too will other things. Nothing is constant, this is the only thing we can ever truly know.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Navigate these waters and there will be calmer times ahead. 🛶

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.

This reading is for the week ahead, beginning September 21st, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way), waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and, together, we will navigate the winding path that is the tarot.

As we move into the fourth week of September, the focus is on how we see ourselves and how that person dictates the decisions we make and what we do with our life. For how we respond to him or her affects everything, especially when it comes to creating wealth. Prepare for a journey of some kind and work out what painful truths you want to carry with you. Perhaps it is time to let them go.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The World
  • The King of Pentacles
  • The Six of Swords

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is The World. I see this card as a mirror and an invitation to stand before it and really look at who we are without the packaging we carefully wrap around us. When we strip off everything – fake, superficial, applied – and gaze upon ourselves without clothing, washing or makeup; without costume: what do we see, who are we, are we comfortable with that person or is he or she carrying a lot of unnecessary worry, guilt, regret, fear and pain? Can we then look into that same mirror and call upon our best self, our higher self, or our quantum or future self, and commune with him or her? What would they say given the chance? Imagine the advice would they give; what you can learn from them and then apply? This card is a gentle wake-up call, an invitation to really show up with all of our truths laid bare. Take ownership of your shadow. Embrace both your darkness as well as your light.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is The King of Pentacles. Now it’s time to get to work, looking out over the kingdom of your life and evaluating its worth. Where are you wealthy? What are your riches? And how could you grow and nurture more? Get creative, active and busy, grounding all of the introspection you did in the earlier part of the week. Apply the lessons you learned and till them into the soil.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is The Six of Swords, which has a sad and nostalgic energy. Thanks to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, though, we are prepared for this because it’s not necessarily a ‘this’ that we want to inhabit, accommodate, admit-to or endure. But endure we must, for, as with everything in life, we cannot take only the good and dismiss the bad. A journey is approaching – or perhaps you are already on it – and likely it is not, or will not, be one of your choosing or making. Perhaps it’s something you just have to commit to because… This journey will likely contain painful truths or necessitate the packing-up and transporting of the uncomfortable truths we already have and have carried with us thus far in order to relocate them. But you have a choice and this is important. What you choose to carry with you; who you choose to travel with, and how you see that journey are things you can affect. If the news is difficult; if the narrative isn’t one you’d welcome or invite: you can still repaint it. Not every disaster is a death sentence. Not every hiccup, setback or slight is as much of a misfortune as we might think. Reframe the journey that has been imposed upon you or embolden yourself to choose your own course, even if it ruffles a few feathers and rocks a fair few boats. Navigate these waters and there will be calmer times ahead.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

No matter how terrible…

The mood for today is one of slowing down, so take it easy and take a step back.

Have you been rushing too much lately, spending so much time concentrating on getting from A to B that you have forgotten, also, to enjoy the space in between?

1. Give yourself a day off.
2. Spend it with a special friend.
3. Or, even better, if you can, if you are able to… alone.

When we allow ourselves to sit in stillness without external distractions; when we take the time to first realise and respect and then release internal monologues: what occurs can be incredibly healing.

What is your body trying to tell you?
What is your mind attempting to dialogue?
Are you suffering from too many or too few feelings and emotions?

The trick to peace and the key to happiness is in knowing yourself enough to be ok with it all, whatever is happening, and to have faith; faith that everything is planned, destined, divined… and that, because of this, no matter what, no matter how terrible: in the end, it will all be alright.

To discuss this in more detail and work on healing it: contact me to arrange a face-to-face or Skype. Flexible hours and rates.


If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to explore/resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things. I work with animals as well as people and I even have dog tarot cards.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken.

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, sign up to my newsletter ………….. yes please!

• Ask me a question or book an appointment
Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

Letter to a Lightworker


Dear Isabel,

How are you sweetheart? I think of you daily and wish you well.

I hope that you are finding strength inside to carry you through this shift and this time, which can only be strange and difficult. I send you so much love. My heart goes out to you. And I wish I could take you and wrap my arms around you and hug it all better. Or at least help to make it more bearable somehow. Please know that the sentiment is there and that in the short time we spent together, you touched me very deeply.

You are a beautiful, strong, intuitive, intelligent and sensitive person with so many gifts. And you have such a pure, empowered and gentle energy. And yet you hide yourself away, apologising for who you are and feeling bad and guilty. And this is so sad – that you feel you need to do this and that others have made you feel this way – because you are so completely the opposite of all that ever needs to be apologised for. Try to remember that. There is nothing to feel bad about, guilty for or hide. You have so many gifts, so many treasures, and those that make you see them otherwise are the ones who are at fault.

Keep yourself safe.

Try to continue with your inner work, working with your angels and guides, your crystals.

Try to meditate, bathe in salt and smudge as much as you are able.

If you can: draw and write, valueing all of your gifts – both those acceptable to your family and those not.

And if you ever need to convince yourself: just spend an hour on the internet or listen to HayHouse Radio and you will realise how right and necessary you are. Those who condemn are living in a different time. Now, more than ever, the world needs your light and the light of others who are like you. And it is your purpose and your duty to uphold and share that.

I wish you well and hope that you are better than my fears.
And I bless you from afar.

Take care,
speak soon,


If this letter has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.


To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, send me your email address.

• Ask me a question or book an appointment
Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

The Prince of Spring



This card is known as the Prince of Spring or Knight of Cups, depending on what deck you are using. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s Fairy Tarot has us looking at the Prince of Spring, an illustration of a winged man, a warrior, a knight… sat upon a robed rabbit; reminiscent, to me, of Alice and Wonderland and the White Rabbit, only this one is brown and looks more tamed. The Rider Waite Smith’s Original Tarot, on the other hand, depicts the more traditional Knight of Cups, showing us a knight on a horse, richly clothed, a gold cup held aloft in his right hand. His helmet and boots have decorative wings, symbolic of flight and adventure. He has travelled far, succeeded his body to journey the landscapes of his mind, his inner yearnings, his heart path. His cloak, adorned with fish, show us that he is an emotional man, in touch with his feelings, aware of his thoughts, his needs, on a deep level. So, a knight on a rabbit and a knight on a horse: not so very different; only the energy behind them is, leading to both cards giving a very different reading if read apart. Which this is why I like to compare decks, making the most of all that is on offer to me. I find it helps me to get a more complete picture of the story contained and to obtain a deeper reading. And it’s fun to blend, mixing old with new, fairies and angels against symbols and archetypes; unpicking and unpacking, examining and analysing, holding things imagined and things romanticised against things experienced and thing felt. I like the contrast, the challenge, the opposing messages and stories that present. I like when I mix unicorns with dolphins, mermaids with ascended masters, messages from the universe and messages from Louise Hay… The symbols vary, and the text, but the depth and the meaning is there. The magic is not lost.


This card is a call to action, encouraging us to awaken our inner warrior and ride out into the unknown. It is asking that we make him charming and confident and passionate and restless. That we cast him, as if in spell, in the exact model we need to achieve and accomplish all that we need. His purpose, we are shown, is to stir us out of inactivity, to coax our gentler “I’ll just put up with it for one more day…” side into the idea of leaving, departing the security of the known and comfortable, certain and safe, for the “anything and everything might happen” of the unknown. For while we have created this space that we feel safe within, we are also arguably trapped, living a small version of the story we were born to live.


The two cards have many parallels:

• a knight
• a beast
• a talisman
• a wild terrain
• purpose, poise and confidence

Looking at the Rider Waite Smith version: I see a proud knight, a man in his element; his courage, his compassion, his creativity… extended in his right hand, almost as if in offering to the gods. He has these things and he is proudly proclaiming them to all who will listen, declaring “I am an honest man. I am diligent. I have worked hard and paid my dues. I have won, I have not taken. I have lost sweat and shed blood. I have earned through my efforts and my wealth furnishes me on multiple levels. I am physically fit. I am emotionally balanced. My mind is quick and exercised often in a broad variety of things. I read. I write. I study. I pray and meditate. I am spiritual. I am travelled. I am cultured. I am resilient and strong. I have all or most of the things that I believe I need: food, shelter, companionship, clothing, weapons, books. I believe in the future and the benign nature of the universe. I life is on my side… You can feel all of this looking at him. He is not a shy man. He is not secretive or closed. And neither is he cowed or humbled. If life hasn’t always been kind to him, it is on his side now and he embraces this fully.

On his outfit we witness a suit of armour with a colourful coat, adorned, as mentioned before, with fish. From this we know that he is in touch with his unconscious and his emotions and his inner self; that he journeys as often on the inside as the out. He appears to be wealthy, successful and strong.

The horse, on the other hand, looks slightly reluctant: shy and bashful, a little unsure of itself. It looks tamed, obedient instead of in command. So even though this animal is a symbol of power and strength and speed and energy, here that seems to be contained. It’s not easily visible. Maybe it isn’t quite ready? Maybe it’s still thinking and dreaming about other things? Or hard at work on the landscape of the mind, the dreamscape it wishes one day to turn into a reality but isn’t ready yet to put it to the test outside. For dreams kept hidden are arguably safer than dreams shared, and dreams put to the test are subject to trail and error and road blocks and ruts. I sense, in this respect, that the horse is more of a feminine energy. And maybe reluctant to allow herself to be ridden by a man, to be taken over by this other more powerful force. But the card is calling upon her to trust, to allow, to temporarily be submissive, to act more from her head than from her heart, so that she might be led for a while. For it is only in bending to this other, this man, that she will pass through the desert of loneliness and drought she finds herself stuck within and reach the verdant meadow full of companionable horses just out of sight. A place where the sun always shines, where the flowers grow in December, where the rabbits lie down with lions and the horses with butterflies.

Take action today, this is what the Knight of Cups calls for. Be brave so that you can manifest your dreams into tangible reality. Listen to your mind as well as to your heart. Trust all sides of yourself – both masculine and feminine, knight and horse, fairy and rabbit – and act in unity, a little bit of one with a little bit of the other, never leaning too much one way. In doing so, it promises, you will move from where you are towards where you want to be. I like this card. It speaks of all things happy.

And the Virtue Valentine? Here we fall instantly into a field of bulrushes, towering, or so it feels, above us. We are small, and they are big, like the sky. Everything is magnified and splendid in its magnification. We are a knight, only this time a winged one. We carry a long wand, wrapped in vines with leaves like stars. It is an object of power and success, of victory. It is not a battle worn sword, it is not a bloody knife. It is a cared for and polished object that our rider has taken the time to bedeck. His armour is golden, like his wings. He shines with confidence, courage, achievement, self belief, certainty, direction and purpose. He has a mission and he is determined to accomplish it. 

His stead, the rabbit, looks somewhat less sure. Her eyes show a degree of sadness, like she has been pulled away from somewhere she cherished, forced to venture out when she was perfectly content at home. And I’m not so sure she likes the heavy bright outfit, which declares to the world that she is owned, that she belongs to another not side by side but underneath, as in less than. She is wise and she is silent. She is of a certain age. She knows the world and her place within it and she has come to accept her lot. She no longer fights or argues. She has her life and she she lives it. And while it might not be all that big or grand or contain all of the things her younger self set out to achieve and own, it is alright with that. She knows enough of what now lies in the future to align her mind with it and relinquish the things that were always wanted but have yet to come.

As with the Knight of Cups, the Prince of Spring is a call to action, a demand for the currently slumbering to be awakening. The ‘you’ who is in acceptance with the current status quo is being shaken by the universe, asked to saddle up, to be the rabbit/horse, and to accommodate the rider. For this is how your dreams will be won, your desires achieved, your goals materialised.

Reassure your softer nature that this change is alright, that it is to be accepted, that it is what your higher self would like. Tell her that she will be protected and kept safe and secure, that nothing will harm her. That even if it is painful for a time and even if the change to her routine is uncomfortable, even unbearable: it will pass, as everything eventually does, revealing a shiny new future.

You have read this article and found these cards because right now they can help you in some way. Honour yourself with the permission and freedom to really appreciate what they offer.


If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken

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The Animal That Never Was


This poem has long been an inspiration to me and I find myself returning to it often; usually when I am reminiscing about my past and how (once, many years ago) it served as a vehicle to get me unstuck.

Removing the veil from my eyes; placing me back at the epicentre of my own heart; encouraging me – with its story of courage, of patience, of love… to stay there until I had got to intimitely love and respect my inner part – it paved the way for all of the growing and shedding and healing that would follow, forming the stones of my new path.

Read it through slowly.
Repeat this several times.
Take each verse as a separate story and unpick its mystery.

This is the animal that never was.
They didn’t know, and loved him anyway:
his bearing, his neck, the way he moved,
the light in his quiet eyes.

True, he didn’t exist. But because they loved him
he became a real animal. They made a space for him.
And in that clear, uncluttered space, he lifted his head
and hardly needed to exist.

They fed him: not with grain, but ever
with the chance that he could be.
And that so strengthened him

that, from within, he grew a horn.
All white, he drew near to a virgin and found himself
in a silver mirror and in her.

by Rainer Maria Rilke

Now ask yourself the following questions and note down their answers:


This is the animal that never was.
They didn’t know, and loved him anyway:
his bearing, his neck, the way he moved,
the light in his quiet eyes.

• Who is the animal in the first verse?
• If that animal were a part of you, which part would it be?


True, he didn’t exist. But because they loved him
he became a real animal. They made a space for him.
And in that clear, uncluttered space, he lifted his head
and hardly needed to exist.

• What could you imagine into existence?
• How would doing this empower you?
• How would making this imagined thing real change your life?


They fed him: not with grain, but ever
with the chance that he could be.
And that so strengthened him

• What would you feed this ‘imagined’ animal?
• How would you strengthen it?


that, from within, he grew a horn.
All white, he drew near to a virgin and found himself
in a silver mirror and in her.

• What does the horn represent?
• How does it change things?
• Who or what is the virgin?
• What is the mirror and what does it symbolise/represent?

What have you learned about the poem?
What has it taught you about yourself?
How can you integrate this information, making it a functional part of your life?


1) Make some time today to sit and meditate on the poem and its imagery.

2) Allow yourself to create its landscape inside the landscape of your head.
    See the ‘animal’; walk up to it, touch it, talk to it, ask it what it wants
   you to know, what it needs from you in order to be realised.

3) Add these revelations to your notes.

4) And then – if you want to, feel inspired, can… write your own poem based on
    all that this poem has revealed to you, encouraging your own ‘animal’ into life.

Above all, allow yourself to enjoy the exercise and to become absorbed in the beautiful energy of this experience and the opportunity for growth it presents.

If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

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