Get thee behind me or get thee gone.

The focus here is ‘coping in the moment‘, drawing on the skills and wisdom of the inner parent that is present in each and every one of us: for who better to assist us than that wiser, more worldly part; the part who has been here before, multiple times; the part that was also inherited, who has lived in our mother and father, our grandparents, and all of their mothers and fathers who came and lived and breathed before?

When life is hard. When situations are restrictive and limiting. When the outlook appears somewhat bleak. When there is no certainty or clear forward path. When we lack power and control, personal autonomy. And we can all relate at different times in our life to these. We need a broader perspective, a higher vantage point, a less biased view. We need someone who can step outside of the picture, or who can come in from outside and sit with us in our discomfort within it. We need someone who has been there before, who has experienced these things, or similar, in their own lifetimes. We need us, from the past and from the future and from parallel lives. And we need the US who existed inside our ancestors as cells. For this Us is stronger and wiser and much more grounded and able to guide us, like a therapist or a mentor, only with more precision and skill.

The Seven of Fire, also the Seven of Wands, delivers an answer with a power kick; more like a truth bomb, a dose of tough love, a Joan of Arc no more hiding behind proverbial skirts.

The woman in the card suffers no fools and takes no prisoners. She says “get with me, or get thee gone”. Her message, as stated, “Stand up for yourself and your beliefs! Have confidence. Challenge those in power but also choose your battles wisely.” is perhaps exactly what we need to hear. She knows the answers to her own problems. She understands the source of her pain. She sees what is blocking her and she steps into her own authority, firmly taking responsibility for her path. No more waiting for a saviour, no more wasting time with the wrong person and people, no more suffering fools… The world has changed. The world is still changing. And we have changed too. What fitted doesn’t necessarily fit comfortably now. We have seen where we were dragging dead weight. We know our allies and we see our enemies for what they really are. Just because someone is our …….. (fill in the blanks) it doesn’t mean we are supposed to be with them, to suffer under them, with them, for them. We are sovereign and free. The outside is trying to tell us otherwise. It is a projection of the inside. In realising that we are our own saviour, we are our own hero, parent, guide, counsel and friend, we realise we are infinite and eternal and capable of magnificent things.

Do not limit yourself to your reality. Open your eyes and enter into your imagination. Test that space. Build a world inside it. Breathe life into it so that it comes to be. Know, above everything, that you are powerful, mighty, capable and brave. You didn’t get this far, suffer this much, only to quit.

Often, you are the answer you seek. The path you look around for lies right at your feet.

When it comes to what you believe, stay true to yourself and ignore those who seek to overpower you.

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and channelled insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.


This reading is for the week ahead, beginning October 5th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way)… waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look: the more you learn to see. The more you listen: the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and TOGETHER we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.


As we move into the second week of October prepare for war: you might be called upon to defend your word. Anticipate the presence of haters and you will be better prepared. This, in turn, will ensure a better outcome further into the week when the Wheel of Fortune offers you an opportunity. Pick a side. Or don’t. But stand by your decision and let that alone be your guide.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Seven of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Queen of Pentacles

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is the Seven of Wands, depicting a man atop of a cliff backed right up against the edge. Feet straddling a stream, body and mind pitted against many other opposing individuals and their needs, desires and intentions: the card suggests a clashing of opinions and pressure to pick or change sides by those who are threatened by the stance you are choosing to take. Is your line of thinking around a certain subject slightly controversial or forward-thinking? Or are you daring to be different? This card suggests the answer is YES!!! Which is perfectly fine, and even admirable. But take time to really assess what you are choosing to believe in and make sure you are on the right side. Have your opinion, but know that having it might come with a cost and a fight. Don’t let yourself be swayed though. Just because the bullies speak the loudest and fight with the strongest fists, doesn’t mean they are to be trusted or believed. Often the quietest whisper is the voice that is the most true.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Wheel of Fortune and how this card plays out for you this week will depend greatly on how you responded on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the things that stepped into your path. Make sure you are supporting the right side, make sure that that side is also your side, the side your intuition would pick, the side your higher self would choose, the side those who have passed and whom you love and respect would also select, and fortune will turn in your favour. Pick the wrong one… and who knows what course your life might take. If you’ve spent too much of your life being dictated to by others, and perhaps been derailed as a result, this is your chance to set that right and return to your true life path.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen has accumulated much wealth in her life and has a life which looks shiny and desirable to many from the outside. But what is the cost and how great is the sacrifice? What has she had to forgoe or give up? And was it worth it? If what you are sacrificing in order to have the life you have: is this sacrifice taking too much away; is it also taking too much of a toll; are you tired, weary, sick? Reassess what you are doing and why and either get right with it or get out. Life is about what’s behind the camera not in front and in order to have the life you want you need to be the director of it all.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

One toe at a time. 🚿

Welcome back to Sunday Scripture – a weekly three-card card reading designed to help you future-proof your week, providing guidance and insights to empower you to make better choices and decisions.

This reading is for the week ahead, beginning September 28th, 2020. BUT, as with all readings, if you have been guided towards this page at ANOTHER TIME: trust that it is MEANT TO BE and applicable to your life now. This has always been true for me and I’m sure it will be for you too if you can just sit back and surrender to the he/she/it that guides the way. There is a bigger energy present in all of our lives: patient, ready, loving (albeit in a sometimes brutal way), waiting for us to open up and let it in. The more you look, the more you learn to see. The more you listen, the more you start to be able to hear. Follow me on this journey and together we will navigate the winding path that is the fool’s journey.

As we move into the final week of September and the first week of October, the focus is on our emotions and how we nurture and manage them. We are also guided to express gratitude for all that we have, unearthing and uncovering treasures perhaps hidden to ourselves. This, we are told, will set us on the right track to feel fully confident and strong, should any uninvited tussles arrive. But pay attention… after a calm week, perhaps an emotionally challenging weekend.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Check out their website if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • Temperance
  • The Nine of Cups
  • The Five of Wands
  • The Wheel of Fortune

Watch the video below to get the full reading, then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Temperance and the first thing that comes to mind here are the words: temper your emotions. When I think of temperance, I think of temper and how we often let it get the better of us and lose control. How we let it overtake us and consume us. The message here is: you don’t want to cast a cloud over the start of the week by letting your emotions fly; you also don’t want someone else’s temper to rain all over you. In addition, this card is also advising you to spend time balancing and tempering your energy, releasing any trapped emotions, maybe some that you have been carrying for an overly long time, and assessing and strengthening your boundaries. Take this slowly, dipping one toe at a time into the water. Trust that the more you commit to this inner work and personal and ancestral healing, the more magnificent your life will be and the less people will try to psychically attack you. Be that which you wish to attract and in time your life will reflect this back.

Our card for Thursday and Friday is the Nine of Cups. Here we are being prompted to take a long hard look at our life and give gratitude and thanks for all that we have. And even if we might wish for a bigger house, better car, more money to buy more of the things we need; or freedom to travel the world as we please, visiting people, places and planetary treasures; or a better job, better health, better relationships, etc., we still have plenty we can feel thankful for. Make a list of what you feel blessed to have, to have experienced, to do, know, believe, etc. And work to add to it every day. Gratitude is like a garden: tend to it and flowers bloom, but neglect it and weeds grow.

Our card for Saturday and Sunday is the Five of Wands, which suggests a turbulent weekend. But this is also what the week has been preparing us for and we are ready for the challenge being presented. Anticipate conflict. Expect a jarring or clashing of opinion. Entertain the notion that voices will rise, tempers flare and emotions heighten. Do your best to stand your ground, speak your truth and stand up for what you believe in. Work hard to assert and protect your boundaries and you will suffer less at the hands fools. If you can hold your head up high, plant your feet squarely and send your roots deep into the earth, all the while picturing yourself as a tree, solid and unflappable, you will be well prepared. See this card is a test to your progress so far, how you respond to it a guide to where you still need to go when it comes to healing, growth and development.

And our bonus card, also for the weekend, is the Wheel of Fortune. This card suggest the power is ours and how we choose to respond to our week the maker of our fortune. If we have done the personal work and prepared, if we have chosen our battles wisely, then fortune is set to deal in our favour. But if we have squandered our week and played hookey from our responsibilities, if we have allowed ourselves to react, disconnect and get triggered, then the outcome might not be so kind. The Wheel of Fortune is a harbinger of change and allowing this can be difficult. But, whatever way the wheel spins and whatever direction your fortune unravels in, know that it is not permanent; for just as this came to pass, so too will other things. Nothing is constant, this is the only thing we can ever truly know.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Do you have a resident energy vampire? 🧛🏻

Just going about our lives takes a lot of energy. We have tasks, chores and responsibilities, both to ourselves and others. Then there are our relationships and the commitment, effort and emotion we bring to them. All before we even get to work, appointments and meetings. And this is just the surface layer: our lives are full of so many different things…

Add to that world dramas – of which, currently, there is no shortage – and it’s no wonder we are feeling a bit lacklustre. Some might even say burnt out; fried by the constant push and pull of demands and the pace and passion of the media. I know I am not alone in having reached a point of overload.

Which is why self-care is so important. And why we need to get plenty of sleep and do things like meditation, breathwork and exercise. And take care of ourselves by eating right and living in a clean environment. There is a lot we can do from the ground up to support ourselves. But it is a daily job and sometimes it isn’t enough.

What if, despite all of this, something is still draining us?

What if part of us or part of someone else’s behaviour is sabotaging or taxing us?

This reading is intended to get to the bottom of what might be draining you, because we all have energy vampires 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♀️ in our lives!!!

The first thing to notice about this reading is it’s need for attention. Usually, I pull one or two cards and wait for that to lead me. If things are still unclear or if there is a need for further information about something the reading has brought to light, I will then draw more, using my intuition to guide me. This reading demanded five cards outright; three literally leaping out of the pack. The cards were full of energy and adamant they be heard, which only adds to the importance of their message.

The Page of Pentacles shows us where our energy is being spent; literally, as pentacles are the money cards. The Page is an enthusiastic childlike character, usually a student, intent on a learning and mastering path. He is either seeking to polish skills or acquire new ones. This Page is focussed on financial improvement and is hard at work studying something that will bring in money and grow his life in that regard. Indicating that you are expending considerable energy on trying to build your career or business, and that the leak is most likely, but not necessarily, related to something to do with work. Are you trying to break into a new area, acquire skills, breathe life into a static situation, or pivot or reinvent yourself? Dreams take focus, drive and energy. To counter-balance this, we must be mindful that we are also filling up our tank with plenty of self care. The mountains in the background indicate obstacles to achieving the dream the Page is picturing. Perhaps these obstacles are the things that are draining you? Can you think what they are? Can you shift them in your mindset so that they are more digestible and appealing? The Page is a power card and an energy card and one full of manifestation. When he is in our life we can celebrate: things are underway, we are building, life is changing. We just need to pay attention to and take extra care over the rest of our life, so that we stay healthy. When you were younger and you were studying for an exam, did you not eat right and make sure you also had plenty of rewards to keep up your enthusiasm? Your body needs this from you still, so pay attention to your present moment and be a good parent.

The Five of Cups seeks to explain where other parts of our energy might be being spent, helping to bring clarity to why we might feel like we are running out of it. After all, time spent studying and learning and acquiring new skills, although challenging and mentally draining, is positive energy usage and therefore self-charging. Don’t you always feel energised by learning something new; picking up a new insight? The Five of Cups, however, is a very different energy, because it is all about disappointment, despondency and regret. This card can simply be explained by the phrase “crying over spilt milk”. The character in this card is sad and distracted from his present life and its wealth by that which he has lost. He is stuck in the past, wishing things were different and could be different now. Where are you lamenting over things that are behind you? What do you regret not having, losing or breaking, even? Why is what you don’t have so much more valuable to you than what you have? This preoccupation with the past and things that didn’t turn out the way you liked, is your energy vampire. Think about who you might need to forgive and get on a path of releasing and healing. If you don’t want to do it alone, or can’t, a therapist would be useful and help make it easier.

Our next card, the Knight of Wands, is brave and energetic and full of enthusiasm. He is gainfully employed and happy to be serving both his kingdom and his community. This energy usage, although high, is positive, because it is the act of creation; so no need to worry here. The Knight, given his mission, has a clear picture in his head of what he is intending to accomplish, a strong desire in his heart of what he hopes this will reap, and a tug of intuition in his belly of how to acquire it. Therefore, if we are also the Knight, we are likely investing a lot of energy into our crusade – the crusade of the Page of Pentacles, the crusade to build the life we want to build in our world. This is not an energetic vampire, however, for the pursuit is one of enthusiasm and passion, and, like the Page, self-charging. This card merely shines a light on where energy is going. It is a window, not a call for attention or a cry for help.

The Ace of Wands is another manifesting card, in which we are using our wand – our creativity, our intuition and imagination – to create change. The hand coming out of the clouds indicates that we are channeling a lot of what we are doing right now directly from Source, (or our higher self, or our guides, or whoever it is we receive from). This work is tiring and takes a lot of energy, but it is rewarding too and so not the source of our exhaustion. But picture the image on the card, or see it in the video: you are attempting to create your ideal life – the lush green landscape, the full blue stream, the castle on the hill. This level of manifestation and pulling into being is hard work. Do not under estimate how much energy this is using. Appreciate that, and give thanks to your mind and body for staying strong for you. And, again, up the levels of self-love and care.

The Two of Swords concludes our reading and reveals to us the solution. We are at a metaphysical crossroads. We are pulling in different directions. Essentially, a stand off. In order to make the future arrive in all of its glory, as in arriving as a future we can be happy in and feel proud of, a future we are desiring, we need to let go of some things and make some decisions. These things are whatever the contents of the three spilled cups (see Five of Cups card) is for you. This card reveals that the reason things aren’t happening at the speed you want, the reason you are failing and being let down or feeling sabotaged, the reason you are drained, is because you are blocking yourself from moving forwards. You have shuttered your intuition and bound your true voice. You have stranded yourself on an inhospitable shore. And you are refusing to see clearly about certain things playing out in you life. Because of this, no ships full of treasure (see rocky shore, stormy sea, dark night…) can dock.

Watch the video or find the above cards, either in your own deck or from images online, and spend some time adding your own thoughts and realisations. This will help you to get the most out of the card and to implement the advice and guidance given.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

How can I attract more clients and grow my business? 🌳

In any business clients are key, because without people searching you out who are prepared to pay for what you are offering, you are really just an uninhabited house full of useful things, a tv playing to an empty room.

Clients are eyes on the page, subscribers to your channel, people following and liking you. They are influencers who share, recommend and widen your reach. Depending on your field, they are like children seeking toys, companions, parents and cures… or adults sourcing solutions, tools and mentorship. Clients need to be celebrated, rewarded, honoured and appreciated for what they are, because they are not just a means to an income, but a family and a life tribe.

Finding your tribe, building your community, therefore, is the secret to success. But how do we get there if we are stuck on that journey? What is blocking us from building the business and the life we desire?

The King of Cups shows where you are right now, which is deep in your heart. You have desire, passion, a goal and dream… but you are led by your emotions. This has got you a certain amount of the way – you know what you want, you care deeply about what you are trying to create – but beyond that you are stuck. You keep implementing the same strategies, carrying out the same tasks, but nothing is really growing. By focusing on what lights you up and brings you joy alone, you are neglecting the other components necessary to make a business function. Or maybe you are being carried away by what is in your heart and therefore not seeing things clearly. There is a lack of balance here. You are awash in emotion. And as necessary as it is to be in touch with your heart and honest and accommodating of your emotions: it is also important to be grounded and practical. Do you want to be clinging to a concrete throne in the middle of a changeable ocean, vulnerable to every inner and outer shift? Wouldn’t you rather be sat reclining on cushions beneath a shady terrace overlooking a landscaped garden bordered by a gentle stream?

The Magician shows us what the King of Cups has indicated, calling for the cultivation of more structure, order and balance. A master creator, his trick is in bringing all things together. Right now your focus is from the heart, on everything represented by the cups and water. You are doing what you love and what brings you joy because this is what you have been told will be successful. “Follow your heart,”, “do what lights you up,”, etc. But in order to succeed, to attract more clients, to build your business and community: you need to also include the other suits; the pentacles, wands and swords. Lay them all out on your table, use them equally, polish them all as tools. You don’t have to know it all intuitively or even do it all really well, you just need to acknowledge where there is an imbalance or a deficit and find someone who can help you or teach you what to do. The more you lean into the energy of balanced creation – a little bit of earth, a little bit of fire, a little bit of air and a little bit of water – the more you will start to see a return. For just as a garden needs soil, sunlight, fresh air and rain: so do all things we are looking to create.

The Four of Wands is the big reveal, showing us what lies ahead. This card represents balance and harmony, as well as celebration, union, community, family, homecoming, abundance, fortune and success. Essentially, everything we want to have and experience in life. This is a thumbs up card for what you are currently trying to grow, the universe signalling to you that it will happen if you follow the Magician’s advice. Bring together all your talents. Balance any deficits. Seek mentorship or tutelage where necessary. The four wands illustrate that we have grounded our desires and used our emotions to water and grow sturdy legs, creating a table upon which we have laid a rich spread. In addition, there is a shady canopy providing space and protection for your tribe to congregate beneath. This is one of the most positive cards in the tarot and one to be excited about. There is greatness in your future. It is within reach. Knowing this you have everything that is necessary to dream and do big.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Why am I getting so upset? Dialing into triggers and the truth behind what they are really about. 🧯

Emotional triggers can be difficult to understand and even more to influence because they tend to be automatic, meaning they happen in the heat of the moment before we have a chance to see them coming or intervene.

For example:

When our boss admonishes us at work for something we have done incorrectly… we are cut to the core: the wound is visceral, and we might weep.

Equally, if a waitress is short with us, or a bus driver bemoans us for not having the correct change: we might freeze, losing our voice or else shrink inwards in shame.

These reactions are exaggerated. We are having a large response to a small event. On the physical plane, at least, the trauma is minor. In our minds, however, and energetically, it is immense. It has snatched us up and taken us hostage to an earlier time; an instance where we were treated in a way that didn’t feel safe. This could be being disciplined as a child in a setting where we were forced to be silent. Or the constant daily repetition of being told we aren’t good enough.

Emotional triggers are serious because they rob us of our composure and when we lose it, our foundations are weak. We are strong only when we are ourselves as a fully integrated adult, when we are calm and reserved and grounded in our sense of self and place.

We all have people and things that cause us to lose it. And sometimes we are more than justified in our response. Perhaps we need to stand up for ourselves and exert our boundaries, because if we don’t no one else will. Perhaps we are on the path of learning to treat ourselves with more respect and love. But perhaps, too, this response is harmful, filling us up with excess cortisol and adrenaline, causing our nervous system to go into overdrive.

With all things, there is a balance and getting it right is a skill that constantly needs to be tweaked. Nobody is perfect. Even after years of therapy, I still unravel when the circumstances are right. What we can all do though is learn to see more clearly and endeavour to be more conscious, because the clearer we see and the more conscious we are, the less likely we are to shape shift in the heat of the moment.

The King of Pentacles reveals how we want to experience the world and how we would like to be treated by others.

In this world: we are king. We own a sizeable kingdom, over which we have control. We have everything we need: its presence guaranteed. As such we are comfortable and secure. And we feel protected and provided for.

It’s kind of like how our inner child envisions our life. Or how we wish it was and are always working towards achieving. We get upset, therefore, when we are challenged (our actions, choices, opinions…) because anyone questioning us and our ability threatens the foundations. We do not have deep roots. Any sharp breeze or medium-strength gust could uproot us.

This card indicates that what we most strongly desire – home, sanctuary, love, status, financial security, etc., still eludes us. And suggests that attempting to hold onto what we have managed to accumulate: a property we rent, a job that’s unstable, a partner who we don’t like or who might leave us, etc…? is causing us conflict. In many ways, we feel like an imposter because we are trying to balance two things – what we want and what we have – and it is dividing us, and this is where the triggering occurs. The King of Pentacles reveals this and shows us that we need to make a choice. Do we play it safe and stay where we are, or do we opt for transformation and adventure?

And this is where the Two of Wands comes in. In this card we see a man holding two poles, grappling with a decision. Does he choose the left, representing staying put, or the right, representing action? This here is our trigger. We are unhappy with where we are in our lives. We are tired of all of the compromises. We want mastery and to be in control. We are old enough, surely, and wise enough. We have worked hard thus far. But we are like this man: a peasant standing guard over someone else’s kingdom.

This card is a call to action. Decide to stay put and choose to accept what you have now and where you are and put down all complaints against it, surrendering your free will. Or act, walking away from everything that you know and have built in order to start again.

The Four of Swords is how we move towards a revolution and how we lend support to our triggered parts. In this card we see a tomb inside a sarcophagus, inside of which, we presume, there is a man. This card is suggesting that we allow a part of us time to rest, laying him or her aside for a period. In this sealed and protected space, we can drift into sleep, away from anxiety, worry, fear, concern, drama and conflict. A part of us can take a break, going on an inner retreat. This part isn’t dead, only sleeping, and once he or she is done, rested and recovered, they can be returned to us and our world.

The King of Swords offers us an alternative to the King of Pentacles energy: a new throne, and suggests we work to own it. In this picture the wealth we possess is knowledge and the kingdom we have mastery over is truth. If we can understand that our learning and what we choose to do with it is our power, far more than money ever will be, then we can have freedom from our triggers. Because no one can take the wealth of what we know and choose to believe away from us unless we permit it.

Are you ready to walk this path?

Are you brave enough to make some decisions?

This reading is a call to action, if ever there was one, but if you are here you are ready.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What is the source of my money blocks? 💶 💷 💵

Money is one of those areas where many of us get blocked: it can seem like no matter how hard we work, how much we try, how thoroughly we learn and study…. nothing shifts and we don’t seem to get anywhere.

We can also have issues with self-worth and asking to be paid for our experience, energy and time; as well as beliefs about whether it, money, is high vibrational or not.

When it comes to money, we have strong feeling about (and around) the subject; possibly deep wounds: and likely our parents, siblings, teachers and peers are influencers too into what we will or will not allow into our lives.

The purpose of this reading is to uncover these blocks, giving you a place from which to grow and move forwards.

The Five of Wands is a card of conflict. In it we see five men, all young, strong and healthy, competing with one another. They should be intent upon a common task, like trying to build a house or a tent, but instead they each have their own idea and goal so their passions are clashing. Individually, they have the potential to be leaders – they are alphas with egos – but there is only space here for one top dog. The ground they are standing on – i.e. our business building landscape – is lush and verdant, rich in resources and relatively healthy bar the occasional arid patch. Yet it is uneven, challenging firm footing. This card tells us, therefore, that it is not a lack of skill or talent; more too much diversity and too many inner individual cooks. In order to be more successful, to manifest more on the wealth front, there needs to be unity in the ranks and a common aim. Work out what the final picture is supposed to be like, live it and breathe it and feel it in your mind, collect all of your inner pieces and persons together to create from a coherent mind. Do this, and what you are working for will be easier to achieve.

Merlina reinforces this message, telling us that the source of our frustration and stagnation is our confusion and indecisiveness. We are too focused on the physicality of things and as such we’re removed from the larger picture. Ask for help from Merlina, your guides, higher and past selves, quantum selves on other planes, friends, family and mentors who can be allies…. and things will align and clarify.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What is blocking me right now? 🤹🏻‍♀️

It’s natural to experience blocks as we travel through life. Most of us will experience at least one block on any given day. It could be you wake up late, you sleep badly, your water is off and you can’t take a morning shower. It could be your car breaks down, your meeting is rescheduled, you have to cancel dinner to stay late at work. It could be your date doesn’t show up, your boyfriend wants to break up, your husband is unhappy and wants a separation. It could be you ruin your diet, avoid the gym, have an argument with someone close to you. It could be a minor health complaint, or a major one. It could be a PANDEMIC!!!

Blocks take many forms – some easy, some hard, some friendly, some antagonistic, some gentle, some fierce, some barely noticeable, some life altering… What is your biggest block today, and where are you currently getting stuck?

The Page of Wands is a positive and a happy card. The page is a student of life, an innocent child, a foolish (or carefree) adventurer. He has an idea, a desire, and he is unafraid of reaching and working towards it. He is strongly grounded in what he wants and led by his intuition. He is happy to experiment and play in order to get there. He is all about creativity and birthing things.

But is your new idea or project taking up too much space, to the detriment of everything else? Are you dropping the other balls and plates (that you are juggling and spinning) because of it? The thing that is blocking you here is not a bad thing. It’s simply the fact that it’s the only thing that’s getting your attention these days.

The Ten of Wands reinforces this message, showing us a man bent over under a heavy load, warning us that we are attempting to carry too much and are in danger of breaking. The Page is excited and enjoying the journey but he isn’t looking to the future. The Ten has a future image in front of him, mapping out his desire – nice house, good location, financial security, etc. – but he is working so hard to keep up and move forwards that he is missing out on his life in the moment, unable to see what it is all for. One is focussing only on the ‘right now’ to the detriment of the future, and the is other working so hard towards some future goal it’s become concealed in the distance.

Reevaluate all that you are carrying. Work out what you might need to put down or cast aside in order to accommodate more safely and securely the new thing you have picked up. You don’t need to pause or stop pursuing the new dream, you just need to reassess all of your responsibilities and delegate or retire some things.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

The Eight of Wands


This reading uses two cards _pulled from the Sharman Caselli deck, with the first dealt representing your current situation: what is going on in your life right now, your drive and focus; and the second what is crossing you: situations, people, energies, etc…

Essentially, where you are heading and what is preventing you from achievening it:

  1. First Dealt: Eight of Wands
  2. Second Dealt: Judgement




The Suit of Wands cards represent fire and primal energy. They are rooted in passion, hard work and adventure. Their focus is on creativity, momentum, action, activity, ambition, expansion, inspiration, intution, spitiriality and determination. They are about taking your ideas and making them real, picking up the tiny seeds of thought you have planted and releasing them into the world – like shooting bullets, like firing arrows.

Wands people and people with the Wands energy in their lives _whether temporarily or indefinitely, discover, push limits, excel, pour energy into and win. They fully believe and they give it their all. They love challenges, are feisty and fiery, thrive on conflict (and will sometimes seek it out). They willing throw themselves into new projects and ventures and will keep going for as long as they are engaged. Because of this, they can be erratic and unreliable: stopping to start the next ‘big thing’, abandoning mid-flow… They hate to be confined and rarely work in an office. They thrive when they are in charge. They make great leaders but find it hard to delegate (which can lose them authority and respect and even land them in trouble). They are passionate and exciting but hard to be in a relationship with, this is because they need a lot of space and freedom and can fall out of love as easily as they fell in. They are best, therefore, when paired with their own kind, who can at least understand where they are coming from when they blow hot and cold and not take things quite so personally.

As cards, Wands act as a mirror for our desires, symbolising a dream or a goal that we wish to materialise.

Take a moment now to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What gets you excited?
  2. What wakes you up in the morning with the desire to get out of bed?
  3. What do you:
  4.          – spend your free time doing?
             – give away for free?
             – research?
             – investigate?
             – invest in?

These are your wands, the very things that make you tick; things that, were they taken away, would wound you.

My wands, in no particular order, are:

  1. Being of service
  2. Spending time and working with animals
  3. Forming and fortifying new friendships
  4. Reading
  5. Writing
  6. Drawing, painting
  7. Knitting, sewing
  8. Making things by hand *
  9. Talking to the people I see everyday:
  10.          – neighbours
             – shop assistants
             – cashiers
             – market stall owners
             – barristers
             – bank tellers
             – homeopaths
             – naturapaths
             – physios
             – hairdressers
             – beauty practitioners
             – gym staff
             – doctors
             – vets

* things that I make include, fimo unicorns, origami doves, scented soy candles, greetings cards, gluten-free cakes, gemstone jewelery; embroidered handkerchiefs, napkins and birds; knitted hand-warmers and hats; inside gardens, outside gardens and seasonal altars…
I would and do do all of these things for free.



The Major Arcana, to which the Judgement card belongs, form the foundation of the Tarot deck. There are twenty-two in total, numbered from 0-21, each representing part of the path to spiritual self-awareness and the various stages we pass through and experience as we search for greater meaning and understanding in our lives. Along this journey we encounter challenges, face adversity, perform labours, make hard decisions and fight opposing forces, each step bringing us closer to the things we truly want: inner peace, personal freedom and enlightenment. As such, they hold deeply meaningful lessons which, if we honour and use them, can help to heal, inspire and guide us along our way.

The Judgement card is number twenty: XX, 20. Dealt the right way up, it represents accountability, confrontation, absolution, resolution, resurrection and rebirth – the activity of leaving the past behind and moving into the light.

Reversed it symbolises self-doubt, self-criticism, self-loathing and self-scrutiny (which essentially means the inaction/inactivity of listening to ghosts from the past and of allowing the continuation of the hold they still have over us – things that prevent both us and our lives from moving forwards and have done so for as long as we can remember).



We will now look at each of the cards as a picture, independent from the arcana and suit, stepping inside the landscape to unpack the full meaning of what we are:

  1. endevouring to do
  2. attempting to avoid



The Eight of Wands depicts a man with a bow in posession of eight wands, seven of which are airborne. Looking, we can see that one remains, although even as we watch it, too, is being released.

The man is in the desert, standing beneath the hot sun. The surrounding landscape is arid and dry. The overhanging sky, bleached. The time is around noon and, depending on how long he stays, he can easily be home by dark if he tries. His pursuit, the reason he is out here in the first place, is one of valour, his actions charged with desire and intent. He stands with confidence: grounded, present, fully in the moment and totally engaged; the only hint of hesitation in his right foot, which, if it is not providing further balance, could be pulling away. Rather than escaping, running or returning after an absence of many days,months,years… I sense that he has slipped out to attend to a task and, upon finishing, will return to whence he came. Unlike in other cards – like Judgement, for example – he is not resisting or attempting to deny; he is looking ahead and making plans. Having woken from a long sleep in which he drifted and dithered, making up excuses for ‘why not now’: he is full of energy and drive. The danger, though, is that perhaps he is too keen, treating his wands like burning hot cakes instead of precious offspring.

Think about the wands that you have in the air at the moment and the feelings you have around them:

  1. Are you, like the Eight of Wands, simply overly excited: eager to release what would otherwise be burning a hole in your pocket?
  2. Are you practicing for what will later become the real thing?
  3. Are you aiming at something you fear and wish to annihilate?

Think about the changes going on in your life and your attitude towards them:

Do you feel:

  • excited
  • energised
  • hopeful
  • determined
  • inspired
  • motivated
    Or do you feel:

    • fearful
    • resistent
    • reluctant

    We are comfortably into the suit now and have come a long way since our humble one-like beginnings. Along ‘this way’, we have figured out what it is we want and what we need in order to achieve it, determining where our strengths and weaknesses are and what we need to release and heal * and begun to put it out there. We are moving forwards, we have cleared the path, everything is flowing freely… There are no physical blocks that we cannot either step around or remove, for we have dealt with most things that injure and inhibit us already: quit a job, left a partner, severed ties with unhealthy people, places and relationships, etc. We are proceeding rapidly: faster than before: faster, perhaps, than we are comfortable with. We are busy but in a good way.

    * If we are not healing and if we are not happy _and I would guess if you have found this particular card reading and if you are still reading it, especially this bit… that you are not, it is because the Judgement card crosses both the present and the future, blocking what lies ahead and holding you back. Once you deal with this, with the contents of the coffins, your coffins, you will be free to embrace the full energy and potential of the Eight of Wands and on your way to success and mental and physical freedom. Embrace the cards, answer the questions, do the homework and make the images into your phone or tablet wallpaper so that you can spend some time with them each day. The more you get to know the cards and how they relate to you: the more you can shift and transform your life.

    The Eight of Wands invites you to embrace action and activity, loosening the usual control and need for certainty to allow for spontaneity and adventure. It’s driving message is to dive in and trust: in the flow, in the natural order, in the journey that is unique to you.

    Like stepping onto a rollercoaster: to truely benefit from the ride, you must first surrender to that which is outside of you and unknown.

    Take a moment to zoom in on the creature _lizard, gecko, salamander, baby dragon… in the bottom right-hand corner:

    1. If he were a stone weighing you down, what would he represent?
    2. If he were a weight pulling, holding you back, who would he be?
    3. If he were a gremlin, highlighting your weaknesses and undermining your confidence, what would he be saying to you?
    4. What negative words do you allow into your head just as you are getting ready to start something new?
    5. What always stops you from pursing your dreams?

    These are things you need to consider.



    As I said earlier, the Judgement card is number twenty out of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards. Sitting in-between the Sun and the World, it tells us that we have already successfully opened up the space for power and light to enter into our lives and are on our way to attaining the future of our dreams _as soon as we attend to a bit of important housekeeping, that is.

    To start this process, look at what you judge:

    • in yourself
    • in others

    Look at how you respond, react and report:

    • situations
    • experinces
    • settings
    • locations

    Ask yourself:

    • Where do I hate?
    • What do I criticise and condemn?
    • What annoys me about others?
    • Where do I lack patience?

    These are your ‘red flags‘, indicitive of the things (or similar) you have disowned within yourself.

    1. Maybe you lose patience with people who take their time or who stand before you in a queue talking?
    2. Perhaps you criticise those who eat junkfood, are overweight, fail to exercise and who take little care in their appearance?
    3. Or else you hate those who exhibit aggressive behaviour: road rage, supermarket impatience, pedestrian intollerance and yet do the very same yourself?

    The things that we dislike in others are a reflection of the things we dislike in ourselves, our shadow parts, and unless we are already emotionally and psychologically aware, actively analysing our thoughts and our feelings, processing our experiences, clearing the discharge from our reactions and responses… we are likely to be completely unaware of them. This is why therapy, self-help, energy healing and spiritual development are so helpful because they shine light into dark areas, illuminating what would otherwise remain unknown or concealed.

    Take a closer look at the card now. The Judgement card depicts three naked people standing inside three plain coffins with open lids. Above, there is an angel with a horn, floating in mid-air. A white flag flaps gently in the breeze. In response to the horn, the people are waking: standing, rising up; arms extended, begging…The angel is a messenger, declaring, proclaiming, announcing… the start of things to come, the end of things as they are; a birth, a new beginning or a death? In the background the sea is calm and the sky, aside from a few clouds, is clear.

    Look at the people and how desperate they look. Look at the dark space beneath them, yawning, like a mouth. See how they long to escape, leaving behind the limitation and confinement which has become their lives. The angel’s arrival is a blessing to them, waking them from a magical sleep in which they have been unaware of all that they lack. Without the veil of denial and deception covering their eyes, they can see the world as it is: huge, timeless, onmipotent, ever-changing; indifferent and wonderous. They can see that it is people and events that have hurt them and that they have hurt themselves, not the world: the world just is. And if the sun can rise again at the start of each day, beginning afresh without the attachment to the memory of yesterday: so can they. This is what the flag is announcing as it waves and snaps, the cross, emblazoned across its centre, denoting a return to balance. But red, reminiscent of blood: there is a necessary sacrifice of a Christly-kind, which, afterwards, in the white of the cloth, will become clean.

    Consider also The Red Cross and its focus on healing. Red is about bandages and wounds, spilling blood, warning and danger. It is also, for women, about mensturation and the shedding of what is not needed.

    The apprearance of this card in a reading (this reading, in particular) suggests that it is time to step forwards and take charge, even if that means some hard choices. Judgement calls you to attention, demands your presence, confronts you with ghosts, skeletons, dark undersides and cobwebs… In an otherwise empty sea – a vast cobalt platea where, above at least, all is calm – Judgement releases all of the things you would usually try to avoid. When you see this card in a reading, especially when it is reversed, it may be time to reassess your life and to live differently, listening to your needs, doing for yourself for once, valueing yourself first.

    1. So, what do we do about Judgement and how can we move forwards?
    2. How can we embrace the full potential of the Eight of Wands, bringing more of what we want into our life?

    Judgement invites you to:

    • contemplate and take stock
    • review and reassess
    • look back and see what you have learned
        As I have mentioned already, the Judgement card in this spread is reversed. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean finding the courage and strength to take an honest look at your life, going back over painful events and experineces, some of which may have been truely traumatic and which may traumatise you still, unpicking them until you understand why they happened and how they were able to, and how you can avoid them ever happening again.

        1. Perhaps you gravitate towards empty and unavailable relationships where all you do is give; friendships where there is no reciprocal listening?
        2. Perhaps you work too hard for a tyrannical boss in an environment where there is no thanks?
        3. Perhaps you entertain addictive behaviours, self-defeatist thoughts, spiral from high to low?
        4. Perhaps you simply don’t love yourself enough and this is evident throughout your life?

        It is important that you learn from your previous mistakes, that is the key theme here. Take some time to absorb these facts in order to release yourself yourself from the downward energy and the cycle of repetion.

        Judgement is about:

        • personal forgiveness
        • finding it within yourself to cleanse and release your sins
        • cutting the connection with your past and stepping outwards into the light

        You have lived too long in shadow, focussed too heavily on helping others shine, hidden your true thoughts, desires and feelings in order to fit in. Only it hasn’t made you happy and it hasn’t won you the companionship, love or life you want to lead.

        Remember, always, that you are in control. Take back your power and pour it inside.



        Wands are fueled by primal energy and are rooted in dreams and desires. They are all about activity, adventure and taking your ideas and making them real. Like a seed, each represents a goal that needs planting. What gets you excited, wakes you up, do you do even without prompt or payment? These are your seeds, plant them.

        The Eight of Wands invites you to embrace action and adventure, to pursue your dreams with passion and conviction. In order to do this, you need to loosen the control that currently rules you and allow for a little uncertainty in your life. Dive in, trust in the flow, let the journey that is unique to you happen.

        The Major Arcana form the foundation of the tarot deck, representing the path to spiritual self-awareness and the challenges we face as we move towards inner peace, personal freedom and enlightenment. Each one holds a deeply meaningful lesson, which, if used correctly, can help to heal, inspire and guide us as we continue to grow and evolve.

        Number twenty, the Judgement card sits between the Sun and the World. It shows us that we have opened up the space for love and light to enter our lives and are on our way to attaining the future of our dreams. It represents accountability, absolution, resurrection and rebirth and is about confronting the past, releasing our demons and moving forwards. Reversed it represents imprisonment, confinement, guilt and shame and the inactivity of self-destructive behaviour. It tells us that certain things are stopping us from getting what we want and that, maybe, they always have. It also tells us what we need to do in order to get unstuck. The key to moving forwards, to our wands reaching our desired goals which we stretch towards and shoot at but never achieve, is acknowledging, accepting, forgiving and releasing, setting the past and its skeletons free. In valueing yourself enough to put yourself first before others, you regain your power, siultaneously sending out a message to others that you are not to be disrespected, dismissed or denied. Embracing Judgement marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new. What it offers can be incredibly healing if you are prepared to journey with it.



        • Respect yourself and others will respect you
        • Love yourself and others will be more kind
        • Forgive yourself and your world will be transformed
        • Devote yourself to the path of emotional healing and spiritual development and you will be filled with light

        Now is the time to let go:

        • of the past
        • of the old feelings
        • of the resentments and judgements

        …for only then will you be able to truely be free.



        You have read this article and found these cards today because they are meant to guide you. Honour yourself with the permission and freedom to really appreciate that.

        This means: reading through the article again from the beginning and taking the time to record your thoughts; then, looking back over these notes and the card on a regular basis to check in, using this disciplined exercise as your motivation to implement the necessary modifications and changes in your life.

        To do this:

        1. Write down the answers to all of the questions in this article, then think about how those answers apply to you.
        2. Do your own reading of the cards and compare your answers to the questions in the article to your reading of the cards.
        3. Make a list of the main points, those that strike you as important.
        4. Check back in with your notes, first daily and then weekly, to inspire change and healing in your life.
        5. Ask yourself where you need healing, where you need help, where you need balance and where you need love, then commit to spending half an hour each day towards working to achieve this.


        If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these and the possibility of our working together in the future. I work both face-to-face and remotely using Skype.

        Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

        To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken

        To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, send me your email address.

        • Ask me a question or book an appointment
        Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
        • Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

The Ten of Wands


This is a one-card reading with the pulled card representing the present. The deck used is the Sharman-Caselli.

Notice how we have yet another Wand card *, as if the suit is haunting me, along with my current clients and all those who read this.

* other Wand cards: IV, Queen, IX, VIII, Page


  1. What is the purpose of this?
  2. Why is it happening?
  3. What is this suit, in particular, trying to say?



Think about the energy of the Wands and about what, in their journey, they are revealing:

• travel
• adventure
• growth
• venture
• creative projects

Think about trees and wood and what they symbolise:

• strength
• grounding
• permenance/endurance
• stability
• solitude
• shelter/protection
• connection _between above and below
• life

Think about growth from beneath the ground, shoots emerging after winter, colour and life errupting from months of poverty. Think about giving birth to new things, creating out of nothing, building structures from hopes and dreams. Think about how the tree, after it has been turned into wood, can be used to build fires and make heat, comforting and protecting. Think about how this same wood can be used to make tools, weapons, vehicles, furniture, etc.


  1. What do trees mean to you?
  2. What does wood symbolise in your life and where does it feature?
  3. Where do you interact with, use them?
  4. What is their personality, their energy?

Exercise 1:

Imagine your favourite tree. Give it a face, a temperament, a personality and a character. Give it a name and an age. Give it a history and a background and a mini bio. Make it real, like a person. Pad it out, stuff it with details.


  1. What is this tree trying to tell you?
  2. What message can you take from it?

Exercise 2:

Imagine a loved piece of wood: an item, an object, a piece of furniture… Give it a face, a temperament, a personality and a character. Give it a name and an age. Give it a history and a background and a mini bio. Make it real, like a person. Pad it out, stuff it with details.


  1. Where does the energy and essence of it feature in your life?
  2. What does it, as a substance, mean to you?

Perhaps you have a favourite table that you sit at to work, read or eat? Perhaps you have a chair that you have cherished since childhood? Perhaps you have a fixation with collecting wooden animals, boxes, pencils, etc? Wood is everywhere but maybe you don’t see it.

I’m sitting at a wooden table now, one of several in a café I like. I sit at this table or one similar to it most days. It’s where I go to study and write. And yet today is the first day I have noticed it’s height, width, colour, texture; the first time I have truely honoured it. It’s a lovely table: simple, solid and elegant. I feel comfortable and safe sitting behind it. For me, it represents interaction, grounding, security, connection and sustenance. When I sit here I am welcomed, waited upon, protected and part of something bigger than myself.


  1. What about you?
  2. What are your stories?

The Wands are typically associated with our hopes, goals, dreams, etc. Twinned with passion, hard work, creativity, ambition, growth on a personal level and adventure. In other words, they are all about challenge, both facing and overcoming, and learning when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’.

The ten of wands, especially, draws our attention to this, showing us a man who has said ‘yes’ far too much and who perhaps doesn’t know the meaning of ‘no’. Because of this, he is tired and no longer wishes to keep travelling.

How do you feature in this story? That is what is relevant here.



Like all cards, the Ten of Wands is two-sided. And, depending on how you read it and how it is pulled, it means very different things.

On the flip-side of the positive aspects already mentioned: aspects related to the whole suit; those below are purely related to the Ten of Wands and this card and character’s particular journey.

Specific Ten of Wands themes:

• burden
• struggle
• exhaustion
• overextention
• overwhelm

If you are doing or feeling any of the above (or similar), then you are over-doing and pushing in the opposite direction to wellbeing. Be careful, therefore, of what you commit to: whether it’s shouldering all of the labour, working overtime, assuming another’s responsibility or taking on an external debt.

Make sure you make time to relax, see friends, take a walk, exercise, watch television, read, go to the cinema, etc. Things that fill you back up. This is important: you need these things for perspective so that you and others who know you can keep you on track. Very often the danger when we are wearing ourselves thin, is not that we are trapped into something that is inescapable or beyond our control to fix, but that we are unaware or unable to see/realise the situation we are in until it is far too late to A) do anything about it, or B) halt it in its tracks and we have, as a result, crashed or imploded.



We will now look at the card as a picture and independent from the suit, stepping inside the landscape and the characters to unpack the full meaning of what we are:

  1. endevouring to do
  2. attempting to avoid

The Ten of Wands shows us a man travelling through the desert with a heavy load on his back, much like as if he were a donkey. It is too much for one individual to be carrying alone and he is noticeably struggling. He has been travelling for a long time, lots of lonely months, and although there have been companions, mentors, employees… ultimately, the responsibility and task are his alone. And, because this is a journey without a specific end – there is a ‘B Point‘ with an attached desired outcome but no actual date upon which it will or must be accomplished – this is hard.

Observing, we can imagine the sweat on his brow, the perspiration on his body, the blisters on this hands and feet. We can see how weary he looks and how stooped. But even though he longs to lay down everything that was once wonderful but which has now become a blight and rest a little while before picking up and walking on, he cannot: something inside compels him to continue and he is helpless to retaliate.

It _the something that compells from inside_ is the:

• tyrant
• jailor
• punisher
• people-pleaser
• performer
• perfectionist
• helper
• healer
• servant
• good child

* pick the one or ones that apply to you

The man plods on, uncomplaining and compliant: feet sinking, legs resisting, heart sad. He is familiar with this sensation of being alone and of having too many things to contend with. He has felt like this his entire life, as if there is a hole inside that nothing in the world can fill – no person, substance, thing, activity – and looking to counter it, he has always said ‘yes’ when asked for help and never really said ‘no’: to do so would be to risk alienating those he needs in his life, those whose love he depends upon. He does not trust that without his generousity and openness of heart, they would still be there.

To his rear, there is a gecko/lizard – which some consider to be a salamander. And, while I would ideally like to embrace the positive energy of this creature: its message of new life, its symbolism of rebirth and renewed energy; I don’t feel guided to do so here.

To me, the gecko is more like a gremlin, whispering putdowns, muttering negatives, criticising and judging; convincing us that we aren’t old enough, good enough, clever enough or experienced enough to do the thing we desire most in the world to do. It is the reason why the man cannot stop, not even for a minute: for if he relaxes his grip, slows his pace, breaks with his steady plod… the gremlin will start screaming
…until he is entirely drained of all that remains of his inner strength and energy and thus unable to summon the will to get up and resume.

In my mind, I see him with a long, slender whip or a hot, fiery poker beating the man into submission like he is a horse or a slave.

It _the gecko/lizard_ is your:

• ego
• inner critic
• shadow
• internalised:
  – partner
  – boss
  – mother
  – father
  – colleague
  – friend
• nemesis

* pick the one or ones that apply to you

Returning to the desert that forms the backdrop for this card, we are presented with a landscape that is dry and exposed: no shade, shelter, water or cloud cover. It is not a hospitable environment and cannot be survived, not without due care and careful planning ahead – none of which the man is able to do.

If he could, he would:

  • never have agreed to take on so much
  • stopped before:
    • his arms became full
    • he had more than he could comfortably manage
    • he started losing things that were important to hold onto

    However, despite this, he has and is still doing well. It is not a landscape for the faint-hearted. He has proved his worth. He has faced and overcome many challenges. He has done better than others in his situation might have done. Clearly, he is deserving of the rewards. It is the personal cost that’s alarming.

    It _the desert_ is the backdrop for your:

    • work
    • business
    • home life
    • love life
    • family

    * pick the one or ones that apply to you

    In the distance, there is a lonely castle set upon a hill: lonely because there is nothing else for miles around. This is ‘Point B’ and although he doesn’t yet know what lies there or why it is so important that he reaches it: the man knows that it is a vital part of what he has started and fundamental to the story of his life. He has sacrificed much to get here and is prepared to sacrifice more still: whatever it takes; his dreams are that important and he believes in them that much.

    Think about the castle and what, with your ‘wands/sticks’, you are hoping to achieve.

    Think about what you envisage happening when you arrive.


    1. How will you feel?
    2. What will you see?
    3. What will you gain?
    4. What will be different from now?
    5. What will no longer be a burden?



    This card is a message to focus on the goal and to be mindful of the initial intention/challenge. It is also a memo to check and monitor your inner resources and repoint if you have gone off course.


    1. How much energy do you have right now?
    2. Do you feel like you are overextending, burning yourself at both ends?
    3. Do parts of your body ache?
    4. Is your heart cracked or broken?
    5. Is there a sadness inside you that feels like it’s coming from your soul?

    These are all important pointers towards things on inside that are no longer correctly aligned, allerting us to potential disaster before it descends.

    Perhaps you have developed a rash? Perhaps you have persistent headaches? Perhaps your left foot hurts or else your stomach is cramped? Maybe you feel tired? Maybe you feel depressed? Maybe you can no longer sleep? Whatever the case: if there is something emotional or a physical clinging to your being, something that wasn’t previously there, this is the reminder and the time to check it out.

    Don’t wait until crisis hits. Don’t wait until you are incapacitated and/or crumble. Act now and avoid detriment.



    Go back to the start. Recall what you intended. Run through it again to make sure you are clear. Check in to confirm that you are still on track, still striving in the right direction… If you are not, this is the time to modify and alter. It’s not a cause for concern; just a message to revise and repoint so as to avoid things like:

    • stress
    • strain
    • anxiety
    • exhaustion
    • low spirits and energy

    Think about the reward waiting for you and how good reaching it will feel. Think about what you have had to overcome in order to arrive. Think about the lessons, experiences and people you have met along the way. Think about how much you have grown and how much you have healed. Take away the positive message of this card and focus on realigning and improving and taking more care of you. It is a message of self-love, gently alerting you to an area of lack.

    Accept the invitation to come home to yourself and you will reap the rewards when you step inside. Sometimes overexertion, exhaustion, illness due to overwork or stress, burnout and mental collapse are the ugly packages concealing the greatest gifts.



    You have read this article and found these cards today because they are meant to guide you. Honour yourself with the permission and freedom to really appreciate that.

    This means reading through the article again from the very beginning and taking the time to record not just your answers to the questions posed but also your thoughts around and in response, paying particular attention to how you feel inside, what you are currently thinking, any memories that came up and/or people you were reminded of.

    Then, looking back over these notes and the card on a regular basis to check in, using this disciplined exercise as your motivation to implement the necessary modifications and changes in your life.

    To do this:

    1. Write down the answers to all of the questions in this article, then think about how those answers apply to you.
    2. Do your own reading of the cards and compare your answers to the questions in the article to your reading of the cards.
    3. Make a list of the main points, those that strike you as important.
    4. Check back in with your notes, first daily and then weekly, to inspire change and healing in your life.
    5. Ask yourself where you need healing, help, balance and love, then commit to spending half an hour each day towards working to achieve this.


    If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these and the possibility of our working together in the future.

    Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.


    To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken

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