
“I am committed to bringing forth my greatness. I will no longer play small.” Spirit Junkie card deck by Gabrielle Bernstein

The first thing to notice about this card is that the centre looks like an eye, or even, dare I say it, a vagina, opening up to embrace the world. It’s a waking up of something that has been barely awake or even absent and sleeping. We are being encouraged to focus on our intuition, to work on feeling through and seeing clearly from our all-seeing eye, and also feeling into and birthing from our centre for creating. Arise, therefore, and bring forth.

The next thing of note is the linking in the centre of the coloured ribbons or stripes, indicative of joined hands. It is a clarion call, a cry to action, asking those who are on the same page as this message and who are here receiving it to rise up and join in with others who are also awakening to speak of what they see.

There is blue: truth, emotional freedom. Yellow: that which your gut shares, the message in your belly. Green: health and healing through and from the heart. And pink: love, friendship, forgiveness, a softening into a more accepting and accommodating way of living your life.

And it’s a bit like a zebra, only you are being asked to be different. Stop thinking in terms of black and white. Stop choosing left or right, A or B, him or her, up or down, etc. Expand. Grow. Be bigger. For there are multiple explanations for everything that exists and many paths down which to flow.

Do not limit yourself. Be not afraid.

Let’s talk anxiety… 🧸

I want to talk to you about mental health because it’s such a hot topic. More individuals than ever are experiencing elevated and charged emotions, depression and suicide are on the rise, people are dealing with isolation, fear, grief, helplessness, abandonment, rejection, condemnation, prejudice, confusion, overwhelm, panic and anxiety… and yet there’s very little yet in the way of support. Which makes it a serious point and something we need to be aware of and receptive to given the current world climate.

So if it’s not you; if you are ok, be open to the feelings and experiences of those around you and try to be there to hold space for them. This matters and could be the thing that stops them from going over the edge. Simply sitting and allowing that person to freely express how they are feeling in all of its rawness, without feeling the need to step in and shut it down, can be transformative and incredibly healing. And as an act of service, it’s the highest and the simplest kind.

And if it is you; if you are the one who is struggling, who feels like they are drowning: try to find someone who can be gentle and patient to hold space for you. And also try – if you can, and I know it’s difficult – to be there for yourself in that way as scary as that might seem and as challenging as it might be. With practice, it’s gets easier and more enjoyable and impactful. Perhaps start with yoga nidra or restorative yoga, following an audio or a video – because that creates and provides a beautiful space and is a powerful form of anchoring, grounding, soothing, calming and healing.

The video below takes a deep dive into all things emotional and offers up some insight and advice on how to help both those around you and yourself. Plus there’s a mini oracle reading.

Catch your breath – stop, find a place to shelter and settle, accept that now is more like autumn, a place of pause and slowing down and turning inward after a period of high power, energy and pace. Try to locate your roots in nature, somewhere where you can sit and be still. Find your version of a tree to hold and meditate under. If you can’t go outside or don’t want to, then a chair or a bed leg even. Or good for me are a pillow or a balance ball. Bring that energy back into your body. Find something to hold space for you. Then think about the acorns in your life, the things of value that help you to feel nurtured. Maybe that’s a green juice, exercise, a hot essential oil and Epsom salt-filled bath, your cat or dog, orange oil in a diffuser. Find what works for you, then trust what you are experiencing will fall away and everything will be ok: seasons change. Acknowledge what you have access to. Build gratitude for that. Create a treasure chest of these things in your mind that you can easily dip into so that next time you are in need of a pick me up, you know what to do.

Potential Gateway – this time can be a tunnel into another brighter and better way of being, a passageway towards a new you and a new version of your life and way of living and acting. It can be beautiful too, if you can trust in it and hold its image in your heart and mind’s eye. You can timeline it even by creating a mood board. What is your version of peace and paradise and serenity? Create an image of that and use it as a focus point to walk to. This is the gift, the silver lining that is your reward. This card promises that you will get there, that there is a there, that it is worth carrying and holding on and putting the effort into. Things feel difficult right now, they feel challenging and painful and exhausting, but they won’t be this way always, that is the point of this card, the future it sees for you.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

When life hands you Lemons. 🍋

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it can feel like life is out to get us or at least like she isn’t currently on our side. And we can wonder too at what’s up with our guardian angels, because it feels like they also have deserted us.

When life turns against you; when she hands you lemons: what do you do and how do you find the strength to keep going until you reach the other side? When the milk in the pitcher is always sour no matter how many times you return to milk the cow: how do you cut the chords that have become emmeshed so that you can go out and find a different animal?

A lot of it can come down to self-belief. If you don’t love yourself enough, if you don’t believe that you are worthy: you aren’t going to take the risk; you may even lack the confidence to trust in the potential of your own power. And if birds keep defecating on us each time we pluck up the courage to get dressed and venture outside… pretty soon we’re going to stop putting in the effort, perhaps even concluding right now isn’t the right time. It can be hard to trust in the Universe and in the Bigger Narrative when all of our small attempts to change the scenery are met with resistance and failure. Eventually… we start to doubt the Powers That Be.

After all…why do our efforts to change and improve the situations that have become toxically binding amount to nothing each time we muster up the courage to try? Why does our time, energy, hope and faith turn to dust in our palms?

In order to understand this ‘why’, we need to first understand the ‘why’ behind the lemons we are dealt and the box of them that we have managed to accumulate. And really, when we break it all apart, it comes down to this:

  • what have you done that causes you to believe you deserve this – these bad things – in your life?
  • when did you learn that you weren’t loveable and worthy?
  • who told you you didn’t deserve to be happy, healthy and have all of your needs met?
  • where did you pick up that you had to put others first always, no matter what?
  • who told you it was selfish to have rules of engagement and to ask for them to be met?
  • who told you you were a bad person, unworthy, not good enough, clever enough, strong enough, capable enough, etc?
  • what is it about you that makes you believe other people are more worthy of love, happiness, family, community, friendship, fulfilment, stability, security, health, harmony and peace, etc?

Somewhere inside – like deep, deep down – we all have limiting beliefs, and it is these beliefs that shape and guide us and that is why life hands us lemons, not because it doesn’t love us or want us to be happy but because we don’t believe we warrant more. In order to receive we first have to accept that we are worthy, and then comes the journey of allowing things in with open arms.

So in the interim of therapy – which we can all agree would be super nurturing, expansive, helpful and nice – what can we do to hold space for ourselves and how can we move into a place of surrender, faith and healing?

Let’s ask the cards…

The Owl bids us to listen to the messages of the angels and to the knowledge we have inside, for just as they are here for us as teachers, we are here as teachers for those in our own tribe. Use your wisdom responsibly and always blend it with love, because it carries both energy and weight. With words, a mother can either wound or heal, cause a child to grow or shrink. As a soul parent to the people around you, how does your family look? This is not to say that you should accept drama, theatrics and game playing from anyone. Never is this ok. Simply an encouragement that you acknowledge the wider ripples of how you interact and respond. The more distance you can put between yourself and a heated situation – i.e. rise up above it all like a bird, surveying the scene from a more objective less emotionally involved vantage point – the more chance you have of piloting through.

The Bear furthers this message, advising us to use power – our power, the power of our energy and truth, the power located in our solar plexus – with wisdom. In applying the insight of the Owl – that to look and listen and to rise above, that to free ourselves from unhealthy entanglements – the Bear shows us how important it is to be grounded, because being connected to the Earth enables us to come from a place of centredness and stability. Practice yoga for an amount of time and you will come to sense this. When we adopt the Mountain Pose, for instance, we can be poked or pushed and still remain standing. We are stronger when we fully inhabit our bones rather than when we collapse upon them. The Bear reveals the strength within each and every one of us, but also reminds us of the need to hibernate. If the world is a little scary right now, if your personal or work environment is challenging, if the walls are crumbling and your home-sweet-home is stubbornly falling down: retreat, go onwards, take care. You may need to walk alone for a little while while you figure out who you really are. And that’s ok; you are the one who sets the deadline on your destination.

The Lilac Fire dragon completes this journey, showing us how to transmute any lower energies that are in our lives. This, in turn, frees us up to attract more higher energies, which are the ones we want. On the path of lemons, this means there will be less and less, because lemons are all about lower energies and entities: the things that come to steal our light. The Lilac Fire dragons, like all of the dragons in this deck, are fifth dimensional creatures but unlike the others they have access to the ninth dimension too where there is a new energy being gifted. This energy, that of the Lilac Fire of Source, carries transcendent love and enlightenment. Call in this dragon and ask her to help you to let go of the old so that you are able to embrace the new. Imagine the chords that are wrapped around you. See how tight and tangled they have become. Follow them outwards to see where they go. Who are the people? What are the places or situations? Take note of this, then ask the Lilac Fire Dragon to help you perform a chord-cutting ceremony. Spend time on this in meditation and afterwards cleanse the room with sage, palo santo, or a room cleansing spray made up of water, alcohol and essential oils. Great ones would be sage, palo santo and lavender. Why not mix them all together in a bottle and use them regularly to clear the energies in your room, and also diffuse them if and when someone has come in and disturbed the energy. If you only have lavender, this is ok too. You can always blend it with other oils you might have. Ones that will also work are lemon, orange, rosemary, oregano, peppermint, frankincense, clove, cinnamon, pine, cedar and spruce. I always find its best to go by intuition, so smell a few and see what speaks to you. It will change from day to day or week to week, so be open to this too. Trust your senses.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

How can I help my heart to heal? 🐠

Our heart is one of our most important organs. It’s the organ that keeps us alive and helps us to breathe. Without it, we simply aren’t. It’s not like a kidney, where we can live without one. Or a brain, where a part can be damaged but the rest still functions fine. Or a spleen or appendix, even, where we can do without. Our heart is vital to our existence and we are very much connected to and wrapped up with it.

But our hearts are also our emotional centres and whatever happens to us happens to them. A bereavement, a betrayal, a rejection, a loss… all affect our heart. As does a compliment, a hug, a confession of love. Words and actions can lift, energise, empower and heal, as well as hurt, harm and destroy.

How we treat our hearts, therefore, and how we allow others to treat them, is pretty important if we want to lead healthy, happy, full lives.

We have all suffered heartbreak. We have all experienced harsh words and actions. This isn’t what is important though. It’s what we do afterwards that counts. Emotions themselves aren’t dangerous. There is only danger when we harbour them and refuse, whether consciously or unconsciously, to let them go.

Oceana reminds us that our emotions are like the ocean. She also reminds us that we are all connected to this one huge body of moving, flowing energy, as wide and as vast and as deep as the ocean herself. By tapping into that energy and that water, by sitting still and questioning and then quietly, patiently listening, we can hear what our body and heart want us to know.

Heart communication exercise:

Place one hand on your heart and another on your belly, tuning into your life force. Take your time to feel out the gentle movement, the energetic pulse. Listen and ask yourself what you hear. Look and allow yourself to see. When you feel confident, ask a simple question that you know the answer to and wait for a felt response. For example: Should I make myself a green juice, should I take a walk, should I go to bed earlier tonight than I usually do? Unless you are allergic to certain vegetables, injured and unable to exercise and/or already getting enough sleep,the answer to all of the above should be a yes. Then you ask something that would be a no. Like: should I drink this Coke, should I smoke this cigarette, should I cut off all of my hair? These questions, or similar, will give you a sense of what is yes and no to you energetically. And then you can move on to the real questions, like: is he/she/they good for me, am I in love with him/her/them, should I accept his/her/their proposal, etc? Using this method you can energetically tune into your heart centre and your solar plexus and make better, more loving decisions about your life.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

When will I meet my soulmate? 💍

One of the most common questions I’m asked, and people in readings ask in general, is: “when will I meet my soulmate?”.

The next is: “is he/she my soulmate?”.

From the minute we are born, we are all searching for love. More than anything else in this world, it is what we want the most. To be seen, to be heard, to be respected and held: these things are powerful. With the ‘right’ love, we get to experience them – and, in doing so, continue to evolve and grow in a way that is both comfortable and meaningful. In the embrace of the ‘right’ love, we get to be our best selves, whilst living in and being supported in a nurturing and encouraging environment. With the right love we develop confidence and curiosity and we cultivate interest and adventure. With the right love our hearts remain whole even when they get broken. It protects us, sustains us; we are stronger.

But finding that ‘right’ love, that ‘perfect’ match, that person who truly gets and respects us, is the difficult part and, sadly for most of us, not our reality. Rather, we journey through relationships suffering all kinds of hurts, subjected to multiple infractions and indignities; sometimes wounded, sometimes broken and pulled apart; sometimes beaten, sometimes violated and raped. And yet, somehow, despite it all, perhaps in spite of such hardship, we continue: never giving up; constantly hoping, always trying to do better and get more.

How can we help to speed the process up and get to our soulmate faster? How can we avoid all this pain? 

The Lovers card portrays a beauty contest where Paris, the Trojan prince, has to choose between three goddesses:

1. Hera, the wife of Zeus, offering him a place in the world and a home upon its surface. She has created a position of power and authority and is queen of it.

2. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, promising sex and intimacy. She can walk naked without shame and seduce men without guilt. She is both is love with and at home within herself.

3. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, proffering loyalty and support, ready to fight for the things she truly believes in. She has strength and stamina and the courage to do what is right.

They stand there on the grass, as if on a stage – presenting their gifts, permitting themselves to be judged.

Do you know these women?

Are they in you?

How well are you acquainted?

Are they balanced and of equal strength?

This card is all about decisions and choices and when it comes to finding your soulmate and making a connection with them, you need to honour and balance all of your parts. Work on balancing your inner gods and goddesses and getting yourself ready for your soulmate. You will attract the right mate, the person you are destined to be with, when the healing work inside yourself has been more thoroughly explored. And remember, too, that if you have to stand on a platform and be judged, if you are selected only for your assets – you castle, appearance or fighting power… the ‘he’ or ‘she’ who selects you is not your true mate.

The Temperance card depicts Iris, goddess of the rainbow. She represents balance – between night and day, the sun and the moon, masculine and feminine, and the conscious and unconscious. In Greek mythology, she is also known as a messenger, carrying messages between heaven, earth and hell. And in some myths… she is known, too, for giving birth to Eros, the god of love. Here she reinforces the message of the Lovers card: balance yourself equally, embody and embrace all of your parts, strengthen where you are weak and temper where you are overly strong, stitch yourself back together, piece by piece, in a way that more accurately represents who you were before life interfered and began unpicking you. As Iris does, step into the river of healing and allow your to inner waters to flow, releasing all of the trauma and pain you have collected inside and stored. Measure out what you would like to release, cup by cup, while always ensuring one foot is firmly planted on the life-giving belly of the earth.

The Ace of Swords shows us Athena once again, echoing the Lovers card, encouraging us to really step into and embody and embrace this part inside of of ourselves.

How do we feel about her?

How often is she active?

Is her presence a light or a dark one?

Once we have done the integration work of the previous two cards, along with the necessary balancing and healing, we are in a position to safely step into ourselves as Athena, moving forwards into our proper and rightful future in order to claim what we want. This card tells us that we will be ready, that this future is out there. But first we have to climb some steep mountains and pass beneath some moody skies, and there might be a few obstacles ahead of us too… As the Lovers card asks us to decide, so here there are decisions to be made. What do you need to cut loose; who… in order to realise the life and the circumstances for which you were truly intended?



If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Embroidered Truths: DAY 567

Following the pull of gravity,
I connect to the downward flow of something
deeper and darker within;
sinking, as I do so, to the bottom left.

I’m not sure if I’m just filling space;
dancing in silver because this side is still
free, unfettered, a blank page.
Or if I’m here because there’s inner work to be
doing and this side seems to be all about that.

The left details the surface: health, sickness, ailments,
thoughts, feelings emotions, etc.
And the right: something more primal,
about planetary alignments, constellations, bulbs and roots.
There are more fishbone spines, more skeletal branches,
more lines, curves and sweeps.

As silver connects to gold: something
alchemical occurs and I feel cracks in the ceiling.
Ceiling being the surface of my mind,
walls of my body, shell of my soul.

by Rebecca L. Atherton

To follow the rest of this story, which is part on an ongoing piece of artwork running for one and a half years, see Instagram and Facebook.

Equally, if this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to explore/resolve, or if you would like to try your hand at some creative art therapy… please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future.

Or, to book an appointment directly, asap… see my contact page.


To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken.

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, sign up to my newsletter ………….. yes please!

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• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

No matter how terrible…

The mood for today is one of slowing down, so take it easy and take a step back.

Have you been rushing too much lately, spending so much time concentrating on getting from A to B that you have forgotten, also, to enjoy the space in between?

1. Give yourself a day off.
2. Spend it with a special friend.
3. Or, even better, if you can, if you are able to… alone.

When we allow ourselves to sit in stillness without external distractions; when we take the time to first realise and respect and then release internal monologues: what occurs can be incredibly healing.

What is your body trying to tell you?
What is your mind attempting to dialogue?
Are you suffering from too many or too few feelings and emotions?

The trick to peace and the key to happiness is in knowing yourself enough to be ok with it all, whatever is happening, and to have faith; faith that everything is planned, destined, divined… and that, because of this, no matter what, no matter how terrible: in the end, it will all be alright.

To discuss this in more detail and work on healing it: contact me to arrange a face-to-face or Skype. Flexible hours and rates.


If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to explore/resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things. I work with animals as well as people and I even have dog tarot cards.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken.

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, sign up to my newsletter ………….. yes please!

• Ask me a question or book an appointment
Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

Embroidered Truths: DAY 518

As I write this, I am in a public cafe; the place where I most like to work, and to the side of me there is a man with a cold. Since he arrived half an hour ago he’s been sniffing and sneezing, tissue-less and, perhaps most annoyingly, without shame. A good person wouldn’t mind. A kind person would sympathise. A balanced person would keep to their own business and ignore the whole thing. I’m not sure what sort of person I am right now, but whoever I am she’s struggling, forcibly holding herself in the seat. There is tension running up and down my back and along my arms and I know I’m going to regret this later.

Ever since my pneumonia, I have had a heightened fear of germs and sitting this close to a potential carrier is waking all my gremlins. In addition, he’s watching videos on his phone – out loud, without headphones – which is just plane rude. Once again, I wish that I had a happy home space and the liberty of working from there… but we have had builders underneath for months now and the place is uninhabitable. Try concentrating to the symphony of a pneumatic drill, connecting creatively to the thump of a hammer. At least there are sliding doors, open windows and plenty of fresh air and failing that I have vitamin C.

Moving on from yesterday: I give my zebra some dirt because “God made dirt and dirt don’t hurt” and I need something clean and unpolluted to focus on. But when I think about where I live and what I eat, about the whole world in general, I know it’s all chemicals and pesticides. My partner likes to say “it’s all hype and a con to make us spend more”, but he forgets what Man has done to the planet and how there’s danger now everywhere. According to statistics, we are full of heavy metals, bacteria’s, viruses and parasites… and over 50% of our homes have mould!!! I exist in a space of constant worry and not caring at all, because I cannot ignore the messages from my body but it’s too exhausting to overly think about. In my dreams, I press rewind; travelling back to when I was whole and uncomplicated. But then I dig deeper and remember how I arrived and think that in actual fact I was always muddied. And, perhaps, too, the harm came from before that in the womb, with the things I inherited and ingested.

When I fall off the canvas with the brown (literally), I switch to pink, returning to the words I am trying to make space for. I’m feeling quite proud and a little bit in love with “Candida albicans”, “bacteria” and “oral yeast”, although when the waiter passes by I blush. I want to stitch “colitis”, too, because I’ve also got that. But instead I decide to sew a colon. It compliments the lungs that I made right at the start and is also a little bit different. When I’m through, it looks a bit like a heart and a coiled snake and makes me think of Kundalini yoga. Perhaps I am waking up new energy inside and all this is necessary suffering?


To follow the rest of this story, which is part on an ongoing piece of artwork running for one and a half years, see Instagram and Facebook.

Equally, if this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to explore/resolve, or if you would like to try your hand at some creative art therapy… please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future.

Or, to book an appointment directly, asap… see my contact page.


To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken.

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, sign up to my newsletter ………….. yes please!

• Ask me a question or book an appointment
Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else I do

Compassionate healing

If there is sadness in your belly, anger in your heart, regret in your womb, overwhelm in your third eye, exhaustion in your root or resistance in your solar plexus…

Fear not,
I can help.


With EFT Tapping, we can release the pent up emotions from your energy body and discharge the trigger points.

With Matrix Reimprinting, we can go back to past to heal the trauma and thereby free the trapped pieces of you.

With reiki healing and crystal therapy, we can cleanse, charge and rebalance your energy body, helping you to feel more in alignment with your true self.

With flower and petal essences, we can get to the very core of your emotional needs and shine a light there, peeling away the layers gently and with love.

With tarot and oracle cards, we can start a conversation with your subconscious, diving deep into the blocks to health and abundance you might be experiencing to find ways around them.

With compassionate counsel and guidance, we can help you figure out what your heart truly wants and needs and work out the best, most loving action steps towards achieving this.


If you are experiencing blocks.
If you are stuck or going through a bad patch.
If you have tried pills and potions and exercise to no avail.

Come and see me for a preliminary chat and a stand-alone healing and consultation as a first step.


I believe in a person-centred approach to healthcare and in tri-body healing:


You need to ask:

What does my heart want?
What does my soul want?
What does my body need me to hear?

What is the reason behind the rash, the life experiences surrounding the stomach pain, the thought you were thinking at the time of the knee injury?

In order to help the whole: you need to address the separate parts. Otherwise, a pill just masks the physical irritation/pain but does nothing to actually heal it.


I offer multi-dimensional healing and down-to-earth advice on the things that matter the most. Why not come and see me for a preliminary consultation to see whether, as a team/energetic power palls, we can produce the results you want?

I work 1-2-1 and via Skype – for those who live abroad or who would prefer to work from the comfort of their own home.


Email me to enquire about availability and prices and to book.
For further info and details, see the rest of my website.

I look forward to hearing your story, holding space for you and working together.


If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to explore/resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things. I work with animals as well as people and I even have dog tarot cards.

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken.

To keep up to date with my progress and receive love and light in your inbox, sign up to my newsletter …………..yes please!

• Ask me a question or book an appointment
Buy remedies, healing aides and helpful accessories
• Check out my Etsy shop Lemon Rose Petals 🍋 to see what else Ido

Tips for reading Tarot

Three years ago I woke up, shifting from one version of my adult self to another. Perhaps it was a long overdue relinquishing of the maiden archetype I was inhabiting and carrying, entry into the domain of the mother archetype? Or simply a moment that was waiting to happen at some point on my timeline? I only know that it was abrupt and painful and that it lasted a while.

During this period, everything changed: things that had worked previously broke, while things that were dormant came to life. And while I couldn’t think, read or write and socialising and going out at all was daunting and I mostly slept because I had no energy and every body part hurt: I began to see, smell, taste, touch and feel in a new and way more intense way.

We all experience ups and downs. At some point, chances are we are all going to get a little or a lot sick. When this happens, Tarot gives you a map. I like to think of it like a guardian angel whispering in your ear. You pull a card, receive a message and through it know that you are not alone: there is a path, a purpose; each unique. Ours is not to question why but simply to surrender. The more you do, bit by not, slowly, the easier it gets.

The journey from waking to where I am today was long and difficult, and each day still requires mindfulness in its travelling. Life is certainly more of an effort, but time is revealing better days. Entry into a new era: all this has been a learning curve; to stop serves no purpose, rewinding is not an option, lamenting will only make me sad. My rage, which was mighty, has been and gone. Perhaps I got a little burned, but the foundation remains. Something that has come to have great value is my routine; most specifically, my spiritual one: meditation, yoga, tarot, working with crystals and flower essences, prayer and channeling.

I begin each day with a deck and my most pressing question. The card I select becomes my mantra for the next 24 hours. I carry it with me, either in a pocket or in my bra, taking it out every half hour or so to contemplate and briefly annotate. At some point I sit down, pull out my journal and write, allowing my consciousness to flow through me. Later, I return to this, and reply; answering questions, posing my own. At the end of the day, I turn to yoga. Yoga grounds this: I dance it, breathe into it, make it into a stretch and a pose. After, meditation takes it deeper, allowing the image and what it represents to come alive. This is a very personal relationship. It never fails to amaze me how apt the cards are.

At the beginning I was wary because cards like The Tower and Death kept coming up. As I’ve taken their advice and healed, allowing dead layers to fall away, my attitude has changed and I’ve stopped only wanting to hear when the forecast and prognosis is sunny and bright. For truth, while not always pretty, is always right.

Avoidance only delays what must inevitably be dealt with, denial pressing mute on what is already in existence or is about to arrive.


  1. Go to your favourite deck now, or the deck you are guided to.
  2. Take out the cards.
  3. Knock on them to clear them and then hold them tightly in both of your hands.
  4. Closing your eyes, ask your question. I like to make mine a prayer and then, after, bring the deck to my heart in an act of surrender and gratitude.
  5. Return the cards to the front and shuffle until a card reveals itself: flipping, peaking, slipping, leaping, etc.
  6. Thank the deck, the energy it brought forth and your guides (if you called them), respectfully returning all but the single card to its box and shelf.
  7. Spend a few minutes with your card, reacting to it both mentally and energetically.

Think about:

  1. Who or what it is it about?
  2. Where is it set, and in what season?
  3. The emotion it conveys?
  4. What part of your body and your life is it referring to?
  5. Does it have a colour, a smell, a texture, a taste?
  6. Is it fast or slow, hot or cold, smooth or rough?

Jot down these initial responses to come back to later: they form the framework for your interpretation. You will try to get away and even to change. Use these to help you not do this. For example: If you think the card is Sam: the card is Sam; you oughtn’t to change it to Sarah simply because you’d prefer that. You can, but then the healing is hidden, the learning lost.

Tarot teaches us in difficult ways. As a mother it is TOUGH LOVE.

If you are brave enough to receive the gift it is giving, you can provide a parent for your adult self, bringing healing to all of your pieces.

Try out my way of working with the cards for a week, following the above guidelines and prompts. See what you learn and let me know how you get on. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. And if you would like to have a professional reading with me for more depth, or perhaps to help you unravel what your own exploration and digging has brought up, I would love to help you.


If this article has stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me me to discuss both these things and the possibility of our working together in the future to accomplish these things. I work with animals as well as people and I even have dog tarot cards

Or, to book an appointment directly, see my contact page.

To be healed is having an awareness that you were never broken

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