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img_4346I have worked with many clients and used many decks and I am constantly surprised at how intuitive people are and how readily they take to the cards and their energy.

Inspired by this, I have begun to write up a selection of my readings, keeping to the ones with just one or two cards.

It is my hope that this collection will help to teach and guide you as you embark upon your own journey through the arcana and that, in reading, you will gain the confidence to start reading for yourself.

If you would like to have your own copy of these and my subsequent articles to peruse and source from wherever you are and at leisure, you can buy your version here.

An Intuitive Journey through the Tarot:
Divine Guidance to Pressing Concerns
~ by Rebecca L. Atherton


Buy my own copy!



Alternatively, pick and choose from the selection below, travelling at random as they illuminate, inspire and guide you.



Wands (Summer/Fire):

β€’ The Eight of Wands
β€’ The Ten of Wands
β€’ The Queen of Wands

Cups (Spring/Water):

β€’ The Ace of Cups
β€’ The Knight of Cups
β€’ The Prince of Cups

Swords (Winter/Air):

β€’ The King of Swords

Pentacles (Autumn/Earth):

β€’ The Queen of Pentacles


β€’ Judgement XX
β€’ Temperance XIV


If any of these articles have stirred things up for you or made you realise there are things in your life you would like to resolve, please feel free to visit my contact page or email me to discuss both these and the possibility of our working together in the future.

β€’ contact page
β€’ email

I work both face-to-face and via Skype, as well as offering remote healing and video + email readings.

To book an appointment directly, see my booking page.


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