Get thee behind me or get thee gone.

The focus here is ‘coping in the moment‘, drawing on the skills and wisdom of the inner parent that is present in each and every one of us: for who better to assist us than that wiser, more worldly part; the part who has been here before, multiple times; the part that was also inherited, who has lived in our mother and father, our grandparents, and all of their mothers and fathers who came and lived and breathed before?

When life is hard. When situations are restrictive and limiting. When the outlook appears somewhat bleak. When there is no certainty or clear forward path. When we lack power and control, personal autonomy. And we can all relate at different times in our life to these. We need a broader perspective, a higher vantage point, a less biased view. We need someone who can step outside of the picture, or who can come in from outside and sit with us in our discomfort within it. We need someone who has been there before, who has experienced these things, or similar, in their own lifetimes. We need us, from the past and from the future and from parallel lives. And we need the US who existed inside our ancestors as cells. For this Us is stronger and wiser and much more grounded and able to guide us, like a therapist or a mentor, only with more precision and skill.

The Seven of Fire, also the Seven of Wands, delivers an answer with a power kick; more like a truth bomb, a dose of tough love, a Joan of Arc no more hiding behind proverbial skirts.

The woman in the card suffers no fools and takes no prisoners. She says “get with me, or get thee gone”. Her message, as stated, “Stand up for yourself and your beliefs! Have confidence. Challenge those in power but also choose your battles wisely.” is perhaps exactly what we need to hear. She knows the answers to her own problems. She understands the source of her pain. She sees what is blocking her and she steps into her own authority, firmly taking responsibility for her path. No more waiting for a saviour, no more wasting time with the wrong person and people, no more suffering fools… The world has changed. The world is still changing. And we have changed too. What fitted doesn’t necessarily fit comfortably now. We have seen where we were dragging dead weight. We know our allies and we see our enemies for what they really are. Just because someone is our …….. (fill in the blanks) it doesn’t mean we are supposed to be with them, to suffer under them, with them, for them. We are sovereign and free. The outside is trying to tell us otherwise. It is a projection of the inside. In realising that we are our own saviour, we are our own hero, parent, guide, counsel and friend, we realise we are infinite and eternal and capable of magnificent things.

Do not limit yourself to your reality. Open your eyes and enter into your imagination. Test that space. Build a world inside it. Breathe life into it so that it comes to be. Know, above everything, that you are powerful, mighty, capable and brave. You didn’t get this far, suffer this much, only to quit.

Often, you are the answer you seek. The path you look around for lies right at your feet.

Let’s talk anxiety… 🧸

I want to talk to you about mental health because it’s such a hot topic. More individuals than ever are experiencing elevated and charged emotions, depression and suicide are on the rise, people are dealing with isolation, fear, grief, helplessness, abandonment, rejection, condemnation, prejudice, confusion, overwhelm, panic and anxiety… and yet there’s very little yet in the way of support. Which makes it a serious point and something we need to be aware of and receptive to given the current world climate.

So if it’s not you; if you are ok, be open to the feelings and experiences of those around you and try to be there to hold space for them. This matters and could be the thing that stops them from going over the edge. Simply sitting and allowing that person to freely express how they are feeling in all of its rawness, without feeling the need to step in and shut it down, can be transformative and incredibly healing. And as an act of service, it’s the highest and the simplest kind.

And if it is you; if you are the one who is struggling, who feels like they are drowning: try to find someone who can be gentle and patient to hold space for you. And also try – if you can, and I know it’s difficult – to be there for yourself in that way as scary as that might seem and as challenging as it might be. With practice, it’s gets easier and more enjoyable and impactful. Perhaps start with yoga nidra or restorative yoga, following an audio or a video – because that creates and provides a beautiful space and is a powerful form of anchoring, grounding, soothing, calming and healing.

The video below takes a deep dive into all things emotional and offers up some insight and advice on how to help both those around you and yourself. Plus there’s a mini oracle reading.

Catch your breath – stop, find a place to shelter and settle, accept that now is more like autumn, a place of pause and slowing down and turning inward after a period of high power, energy and pace. Try to locate your roots in nature, somewhere where you can sit and be still. Find your version of a tree to hold and meditate under. If you can’t go outside or don’t want to, then a chair or a bed leg even. Or good for me are a pillow or a balance ball. Bring that energy back into your body. Find something to hold space for you. Then think about the acorns in your life, the things of value that help you to feel nurtured. Maybe that’s a green juice, exercise, a hot essential oil and Epsom salt-filled bath, your cat or dog, orange oil in a diffuser. Find what works for you, then trust what you are experiencing will fall away and everything will be ok: seasons change. Acknowledge what you have access to. Build gratitude for that. Create a treasure chest of these things in your mind that you can easily dip into so that next time you are in need of a pick me up, you know what to do.

Potential Gateway – this time can be a tunnel into another brighter and better way of being, a passageway towards a new you and a new version of your life and way of living and acting. It can be beautiful too, if you can trust in it and hold its image in your heart and mind’s eye. You can timeline it even by creating a mood board. What is your version of peace and paradise and serenity? Create an image of that and use it as a focus point to walk to. This is the gift, the silver lining that is your reward. This card promises that you will get there, that there is a there, that it is worth carrying and holding on and putting the effort into. Things feel difficult right now, they feel challenging and painful and exhausting, but they won’t be this way always, that is the point of this card, the future it sees for you.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What would ….. (insert mentor of choice) have to say about this? 🧘🏽‍♂️

This past week, or perhaps these past recent weeks, I’ve been questioning things more deeply, really trying to dissect the current narrative.

What is the real truth?

Who can we trust?

How can we know what to believe when there is so much conflicting information?

This feeling, these questions, will not leave my mind. They both haunt and irritate me. I’m fed up with being afraid and I’m frustrated with being manipulated. I’d really like the doubt and the anxiety to go away. My brain and my psyche are tired of having so very much to process and having to sacrifice my happy dream space each night.


This short reading is aimed at getting answers from a higher power, because I keep circling the question and continuously asking: “What would X, Y, Z… have to say?”

Like what would my grandmother, who has passed, wish to impart?

What would Gandhi think and how would he advise us?

How about Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, the previous Pope, the last Dali Lama, or Sylvia Plath, even…?

I’d be curious? I think a pandemic might have pushed all of them close to the edge.


Here, in this space (nestled safely within the vessel of today), we can ask, honing the question to our exact query, to the precise thing that is bothering or perplexing us, picturing that ‘person’ in our minds… and allowing the cards to attempt their reply.

The Page of Swords is fairly certain when he tells us to hit the books, for there is a need for further study. The only way to know what to think and how to act, is to educate yourself generously. So… More information. A broader source-bank. A higher vantage point. For only when you can see clearly can you attempt a rounded reply.

The Knight of Swords then stirs the pot, offering up the challenge to take it forwards, making that information, that truth, your grail. Like Jesus, Gandhi, Mandela, etc., take your word to the people. Make it known. Get it seen. Have it heard. Bring light and comfort to the meek by removing the web of lies.

And if that’s all a bit too much… well, at least you have a starting point and something to work towards and the freedom to temper it into whatever shape or form you want to fit your life.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

How can I heal my thyroid 🦋 and speak my truth?

Today’s reading is all about the thyroid and the throat chakra, an energy and a physical centre of much angst and confusion. We all struggle to speak our truth, some of us more than others. Childhood, schooling, life experiences… have pushed it into corners. Each slight or harsh remark. Each person who ignored us or shut us down. Each failed attempt at expressing what was in our heart. They all impact our confidence in who and how we are. Perhaps you suppress your truth in order to appeal or appease? Perhaps life is simply simpler that way. Perhaps owning your truth, your real you, would rock a steady boat?

Wherever you are in regards to that voice, that truth, it’s ok. This is not supposed to be a short journey or one you are meant to reach the end of too soon. It’s a continual expanding and growing, one that you will continue to nurture for the rest of your days. But your throat and your thyroid, if they are speaking/hurting, indicate stagnation and blocks, and this is what we want to be focussing on here. 

This two card reading will help you to do just that so that you can be you with more confidence.

The Page of Pentacles shows us where we are, which is actually a pretty good place, even if we might not currently think so. No matter how we feel and what we are experiencing, we have done a lot of work and moved a long way. Now, however, we are stuck, in that place of looking to others, higher powers, for answers… and maybe we have asked and learned all there is to know… and done our done due diligence and our apprenticeship… and are actually ready, armed with enough experience and learning, to go into the world? It’s time to take a deep breath, man (or woman) -up and trust. You’ve created and crafted a beautiful seed. Now you need to plant it.

The Knight of Pentacles is the perfect next step and partner to the Page. The future and the solution lie in finding out what tree that seed will grow. What is your calling? What is your cause? Who are you really supposed to be? Point yourself in that direction, take a deep grounding breath, and put your feet into action. One step at a time, checking in daily, follow that yellow (solar plexus, intuition, gut instinct) bricked road.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Can I fix this at home, alone, by myself…👩🏻‍🔧 and, if not, how can I fix it?

Some of us want to do it all ourselves, believing that is the true way, the most self-loving and nurturing approach; perhaps fearing the intrusion, and possible meddling and muddling, of others.

And some of us just want to outsource it at once, lacking faith in managing things that are that large.

Whether you are a lone crusader or a deferential knight… this card reading offers up a fresh perspective.

The Five of Wands speaks of competition, rivalry and conflict. There are many different thoughts, ideas, options and points of view vying for attention all at once. This can lead to confusion and wasted time, and trial and error, along with defeated confidence and hope. No one’s saying it’s a lost cause, it might just work, but it also might be mostly or entirely down to pot luck as opposed to clear vision and higher thinking.

The Tower, on the other hand, typically speaks of disaster and upheaval, the destruction of everything formerly solid and coveted. It calls upon one, if a solution is desired, to pick up a grenade and blow things up. It’s not gentle or slow. It’s ripping the bandaid off. It’s a bit alarming and it might hurt.

The question is… do you remain the trenches, each idea and approach potentially clashing with and locking horns against the other…. or do you take a deep, brave breath and giant leap, trusting that when you close your eyes and surrender you will eventually be caught?


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Am I on path 🗺 and how can I get on path if I’m not?

We are all on a journey. If you are a seeker, you are on even more of a journey, because your journey is conscious and mindful and tangible on multiple levels, encompassing not just career and relationships and whether-to or when-to settle down and/or have a baby, but also self-healing and shadow work and spiritual development… and that brings up all sorts of deep and uncomfortable stuff long before it yields to reveal the gifts buried beneath, and even then it continues to deliver a soccer punch at regular unwanted and unexpected intervals.

Right now, especially, for the seeker and for the non seeker alike, a lot is coming up. And many, if not all of us, are questioning: “Am I on path?” Which then leads on to a litany of questions, including… “What is the right path?”, “What is my path?”, “What is a path?”, “How can I get on path?”, etc.

The reading below is intended to help you to answer those questions and well as to steer you closer to where you want to be if you aren’t quite there yet. In it, The Fool shows us where we are and the Seven of Pentacles guides us towards a more grounded and balanced approach, one where we are not just inside our heads and our hearts, building and imagining what we would like, but where we are also inside our roots and our feet walking it through more sensibly and realistically on the ground.

If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day. x

Healing the wound of disconnection 🦥

Quarantine and sheltering in place; a.k.a., “staying the f**ck home”, has brought up a lot of things for a lot of people and I wanted to address some of them here in the coming weeks. I’m going to start with the issue of community and our connections… namely who we currently are and are not in contact with.


Community and Connections pros and cons:

Pro: Not being able to go out and not being able to see each other – combined with the threat and the fear surrounding the actual virus – has led to an onslaught of text messages, phone calls, people from times long past emerging to reach out to us, and daily communications with people who we might not ordinarily have spoken to for many months. This is a bonus and is community and connection positive because it has brought new people into our lives, increased the regularity of our contact with those we already had, and perhaps too prompted some apologies and some making up.

Con: But, simultaneously, it has also led to others distancing and detaching themselves in order to process and deal with and medicate things in their own more solitary, isolated way, and thus, in turn, has caused many uncomfortable and challenging emotions for those left on the outside with an absence of a person-sized hole to deal with.

Con: There is also the issue of polarisation and the awareness of the strong and very different points of view that everybody suddenly seems to have, most likely you too, which may have led to conflict and separation and perhaps even fallings out.


With this in mind, I have recorded a reading to address this subject.

Question 1:

What’s going on with ………….. (insert name of person) right now that is causing us to be disconnected?

Question 2:

How can I reach out and connect with ………….. (insert name of person) in a way that will strengthen/heal our bond and relationship?

Answer 1:

The Knight of Wands shows us that this person (who we care about and miss, or who we feel separate from) is on a mission and is absorbed by their cause. They are on fire with enthusiasm and energy for it and everything that it represents and stands for and are therefore of a single mind and distracted from everything else in their life. It is not personal. It is not about us. It is simply that their calling has arrived and nothing else beyond it can be heard. This means that past relationships may be subject to neglect for a time as they find their way to and along their new path.

Answer 2:

The Seven of Wands reveals a battle, unevenly pitted. It is you and one or two others against the remaining four or five. In this battle you are undecided, one foot in each camp. To deepen your connection with this person or to heal what feels injured somehow, you must first pick a side and then be prepared to stand up for what you have chosen to believe in and, if necessary, fight.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day. x

Navigating the pandemic 🧴

If you are anything like me you are super excited about the new phase we are all entering into when it comes to sheltering at home and enforced quarantine. What’s this phase? Why, the slow relaxation of the rules and guidelines and the reintroduction of us to the outside. A.K.A. that place called the world.

But perhaps you are also feeling a little confused, because things aren’t exactly clear as to what we are and are not allowed to or supposed to do. So I just wanted to share some thoughts from one soul sister, or mamma, to another… to keep you all safe.


1. If you live in a built up area and are therefore likely to encounter people when you go outside, do dress appropriately… i.e. wear your mask. I know there are people on both sides of this debate telling us to wear them and telling us not to, but until we know for sure, I’d urge you to continue to take precautions just to play it safe. If it’s kept you safe in the supermarket and pharmacy, etc. so far, then it is doing it’s job.

2. Do carry tissues, baby wipes or gloves, so that you don’t need to touch anything with your hands. And also a sanitiser, that way you won’t be caught out. I like to wash my hands before I go out and then use baby wipes on any doors which I then dispose of afterwards so that my hands don’t touch a single thing. Essentially, just be clean. Think GERMS!!!.

3. Leave your shoes outside your door so that outside never comes in and as an extra precaution you could strip right inside the door and immediately wash both yourself and those discarded things and then the floor space where you dropped the clothes. Or a handy tip is to place a towel by the door before you go out and step onto it when you return and drop your clothes there. You can then bundle it up with the clothes inside and put the whole thing in the wash.

4. If you buy anything, wash it as soon as you get back or leave it outside in the sun for 1-3 days. You can also spray it with a good sanitiser.

5. If you took any exercise equipment out with you, like a bike, like weights, like a skateboard, etc… either leave it outside in the sun too or wash it down to sterilise it.


This might sound mighty extreme to some of you. And to others maybe not extreme enough. But I feel there is a danger in feeling too safe and too relaxed too quickly before we really know what is going on. Let’s not forget we are all human guinea pigs inside a giant sized experiment and it would be terrible after all of this being careful and waiting for so very long, and all of the hardship and sacrifice, if things went backwards almost at once by flaring up curve of new infections again.

I have always been conscious of hygiene and germs by nature, and most of the things I once did and got stared at for are now things that are being put out there as best practice guidelines. In my opinion, being clean and conscious of hands on surfaces and germs on things, is just sensible and it works as I rarely catch things like colds and flue.

Let us all be super mindful and present to each other, our loved ones and neighbours and strangers alike so that, as far as possible, we all remain safe. Afterall, we all want the same outcome: life got resume and people to stay well.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light. There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc. Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day. x