Dark Days.

There are many who are confused right now, not sure what to think or feel. There are others who are living in fear of everything that is pumped out. And more, still, who were living in hope, who were waking and rising and ascending, who have recently suffered a set back and are now experiencing a dark night of sorts. These people have touched me in multiple ways and changed the course of my journey: for as we all know, our threads are connected; what one of us does, thinks, hears, feels, applies to us all.

This message is for you, as well as for those who are already fully comfortable, confident and actualised. It’s been an intense 14 months and already a crazy year.

So my question today is: What lies ahead?… because I feel that is what we most would like to know.

We have all lost the rug that was situated beneath us (whether that be 5, 10, 20, 50… years ago, or several months, weeks or days…) and discovered that what we thought we knew, what we learned and what we were told and taught, is simply part of a narrative. The truth, if we seek to find it, if we can stomach such a rude awakening in our bodies and in our lives, is far more complex and nefarious. For those of you who know: you know. And for those who don’t: perhaps that’s just fine; perhaps it’s where you should be right now and even for the rest of your journey. Opening the lid on Pandora’s box is not a thing to do lightly, nor a thing that work or serves for all.

Deck used is Dark Days tarot written by Emily Mundy and illustrated and designed by Wren McMurdo. It felt like an apt deck.

The Page of Swords

In the centre of this black card there is a white rose with four leaves that curve and sweep outwards to wrap themselves over and around the two circles of delicate outlined flowers that are crowding its girth. This is as a garden beginning to grow, a gathering around a leader, those who are new and freshly arisen, who have only just broken through the earth’s crusted surface reaching up towards the light and in towards that which appears strongest and most confident. They seek a parent, perhaps, or else a leader, and this large white rose is the first thing they see. Like a child, they imprint upon it and then wait to see what they are shown, taught and told. Is this the Christed Light? Or a being from the future? Or else an Angel come to earth to save them or some other high vibrational being? Or is it simply the largest, strongest flower, that will in time rise and swell to overshadow them and block the light? You decide.

Around this circle there is an outer circle of heads, each resembling a phase of the moon, therefore representing the lunar cycle. Their heads are bare. Their eyes are closed. They are entranced. Only their tongues are active and they are barbed. They whisper lies to each other and also everyone else who can hear, and the poor newbie flowers, because they are contained within this greater circumference, are subject to it all. Day after day. Hour after hour…. Birds hover and fly all around, stirring up trouble, but also issuing a warning. And at the bottom, hidden within the name, there is an envelope with a dagger crossing it. Guard your truth? Be careful of what you say? Be awake, for words can harm you? Or else dip into and protect their power?

What’s you choose to read here is what is meant for you. I am guided to leave it there. To attempt to elaborate would be to meddle in your life and to endeavor to force a narrative upon your future.

Keywords from accompanying booklet: vigilance in minding what you say.






The Chariot

The woman in this card is alone. She is riding a bike. Her bike contains many tiny slices of new moon, or perhaps the moon waxing and waning? She has several tattoos – a bicycle, birds and three moons; take charge of your own destiny, trust your own navigation, look to the skies. These are dark, the opposite of those on the tyres, suggesting they are super important messages. Her feet are bare (freedom, authenticity) and she is wearing only a flimsy dress (self expression, choice). Also, is it spring or summer? Behind her there are many birds, and also several slices of moon and fluffy clouds. Noise!! Chatter!!! The sun, or moon, to her left is part covered in dark, menacing clouds. Are they trying to cover its beauty, conceal its power, obliterate its message. She is either travelling through something or fleeing something and yet there is no fear, only focus and determination.

The Chariot represents the need for choice, presenting the options to us. Traditionally, there are two sphinxes – one white, one black – and I usually read it as: time to pick a side. Yet here it feels like the side is already picked and the action is already taken, so it’s simply a matter of holding your ground, staying balanced and in your centre and continuing to move forwards.

Keywords from accompanying booklet: proper use of control; willpower; momentum.



Do you have a resident energy vampire? 🧛🏻

Just going about our lives takes a lot of energy. We have tasks, chores and responsibilities, both to ourselves and others. Then there are our relationships and the commitment, effort and emotion we bring to them. All before we even get to work, appointments and meetings. And this is just the surface layer: our lives are full of so many different things…

Add to that world dramas – of which, currently, there is no shortage – and it’s no wonder we are feeling a bit lacklustre. Some might even say burnt out; fried by the constant push and pull of demands and the pace and passion of the media. I know I am not alone in having reached a point of overload.

Which is why self-care is so important. And why we need to get plenty of sleep and do things like meditation, breathwork and exercise. And take care of ourselves by eating right and living in a clean environment. There is a lot we can do from the ground up to support ourselves. But it is a daily job and sometimes it isn’t enough.

What if, despite all of this, something is still draining us?

What if part of us or part of someone else’s behaviour is sabotaging or taxing us?

This reading is intended to get to the bottom of what might be draining you, because we all have energy vampires 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♀️ in our lives!!!

The first thing to notice about this reading is it’s need for attention. Usually, I pull one or two cards and wait for that to lead me. If things are still unclear or if there is a need for further information about something the reading has brought to light, I will then draw more, using my intuition to guide me. This reading demanded five cards outright; three literally leaping out of the pack. The cards were full of energy and adamant they be heard, which only adds to the importance of their message.

The Page of Pentacles shows us where our energy is being spent; literally, as pentacles are the money cards. The Page is an enthusiastic childlike character, usually a student, intent on a learning and mastering path. He is either seeking to polish skills or acquire new ones. This Page is focussed on financial improvement and is hard at work studying something that will bring in money and grow his life in that regard. Indicating that you are expending considerable energy on trying to build your career or business, and that the leak is most likely, but not necessarily, related to something to do with work. Are you trying to break into a new area, acquire skills, breathe life into a static situation, or pivot or reinvent yourself? Dreams take focus, drive and energy. To counter-balance this, we must be mindful that we are also filling up our tank with plenty of self care. The mountains in the background indicate obstacles to achieving the dream the Page is picturing. Perhaps these obstacles are the things that are draining you? Can you think what they are? Can you shift them in your mindset so that they are more digestible and appealing? The Page is a power card and an energy card and one full of manifestation. When he is in our life we can celebrate: things are underway, we are building, life is changing. We just need to pay attention to and take extra care over the rest of our life, so that we stay healthy. When you were younger and you were studying for an exam, did you not eat right and make sure you also had plenty of rewards to keep up your enthusiasm? Your body needs this from you still, so pay attention to your present moment and be a good parent.

The Five of Cups seeks to explain where other parts of our energy might be being spent, helping to bring clarity to why we might feel like we are running out of it. After all, time spent studying and learning and acquiring new skills, although challenging and mentally draining, is positive energy usage and therefore self-charging. Don’t you always feel energised by learning something new; picking up a new insight? The Five of Cups, however, is a very different energy, because it is all about disappointment, despondency and regret. This card can simply be explained by the phrase “crying over spilt milk”. The character in this card is sad and distracted from his present life and its wealth by that which he has lost. He is stuck in the past, wishing things were different and could be different now. Where are you lamenting over things that are behind you? What do you regret not having, losing or breaking, even? Why is what you don’t have so much more valuable to you than what you have? This preoccupation with the past and things that didn’t turn out the way you liked, is your energy vampire. Think about who you might need to forgive and get on a path of releasing and healing. If you don’t want to do it alone, or can’t, a therapist would be useful and help make it easier.

Our next card, the Knight of Wands, is brave and energetic and full of enthusiasm. He is gainfully employed and happy to be serving both his kingdom and his community. This energy usage, although high, is positive, because it is the act of creation; so no need to worry here. The Knight, given his mission, has a clear picture in his head of what he is intending to accomplish, a strong desire in his heart of what he hopes this will reap, and a tug of intuition in his belly of how to acquire it. Therefore, if we are also the Knight, we are likely investing a lot of energy into our crusade – the crusade of the Page of Pentacles, the crusade to build the life we want to build in our world. This is not an energetic vampire, however, for the pursuit is one of enthusiasm and passion, and, like the Page, self-charging. This card merely shines a light on where energy is going. It is a window, not a call for attention or a cry for help.

The Ace of Wands is another manifesting card, in which we are using our wand – our creativity, our intuition and imagination – to create change. The hand coming out of the clouds indicates that we are channeling a lot of what we are doing right now directly from Source, (or our higher self, or our guides, or whoever it is we receive from). This work is tiring and takes a lot of energy, but it is rewarding too and so not the source of our exhaustion. But picture the image on the card, or see it in the video: you are attempting to create your ideal life – the lush green landscape, the full blue stream, the castle on the hill. This level of manifestation and pulling into being is hard work. Do not under estimate how much energy this is using. Appreciate that, and give thanks to your mind and body for staying strong for you. And, again, up the levels of self-love and care.

The Two of Swords concludes our reading and reveals to us the solution. We are at a metaphysical crossroads. We are pulling in different directions. Essentially, a stand off. In order to make the future arrive in all of its glory, as in arriving as a future we can be happy in and feel proud of, a future we are desiring, we need to let go of some things and make some decisions. These things are whatever the contents of the three spilled cups (see Five of Cups card) is for you. This card reveals that the reason things aren’t happening at the speed you want, the reason you are failing and being let down or feeling sabotaged, the reason you are drained, is because you are blocking yourself from moving forwards. You have shuttered your intuition and bound your true voice. You have stranded yourself on an inhospitable shore. And you are refusing to see clearly about certain things playing out in you life. Because of this, no ships full of treasure (see rocky shore, stormy sea, dark night…) can dock.

Watch the video or find the above cards, either in your own deck or from images online, and spend some time adding your own thoughts and realisations. This will help you to get the most out of the card and to implement the advice and guidance given.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What is blocking me right now? 🤹🏻‍♀️

It’s natural to experience blocks as we travel through life. Most of us will experience at least one block on any given day. It could be you wake up late, you sleep badly, your water is off and you can’t take a morning shower. It could be your car breaks down, your meeting is rescheduled, you have to cancel dinner to stay late at work. It could be your date doesn’t show up, your boyfriend wants to break up, your husband is unhappy and wants a separation. It could be you ruin your diet, avoid the gym, have an argument with someone close to you. It could be a minor health complaint, or a major one. It could be a PANDEMIC!!!

Blocks take many forms – some easy, some hard, some friendly, some antagonistic, some gentle, some fierce, some barely noticeable, some life altering… What is your biggest block today, and where are you currently getting stuck?

The Page of Wands is a positive and a happy card. The page is a student of life, an innocent child, a foolish (or carefree) adventurer. He has an idea, a desire, and he is unafraid of reaching and working towards it. He is strongly grounded in what he wants and led by his intuition. He is happy to experiment and play in order to get there. He is all about creativity and birthing things.

But is your new idea or project taking up too much space, to the detriment of everything else? Are you dropping the other balls and plates (that you are juggling and spinning) because of it? The thing that is blocking you here is not a bad thing. It’s simply the fact that it’s the only thing that’s getting your attention these days.

The Ten of Wands reinforces this message, showing us a man bent over under a heavy load, warning us that we are attempting to carry too much and are in danger of breaking. The Page is excited and enjoying the journey but he isn’t looking to the future. The Ten has a future image in front of him, mapping out his desire – nice house, good location, financial security, etc. – but he is working so hard to keep up and move forwards that he is missing out on his life in the moment, unable to see what it is all for. One is focussing only on the ‘right now’ to the detriment of the future, and the is other working so hard towards some future goal it’s become concealed in the distance.

Reevaluate all that you are carrying. Work out what you might need to put down or cast aside in order to accommodate more safely and securely the new thing you have picked up. You don’t need to pause or stop pursuing the new dream, you just need to reassess all of your responsibilities and delegate or retire some things.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

What would ….. (insert mentor of choice) have to say about this? 🧘🏽‍♂️

This past week, or perhaps these past recent weeks, I’ve been questioning things more deeply, really trying to dissect the current narrative.

What is the real truth?

Who can we trust?

How can we know what to believe when there is so much conflicting information?

This feeling, these questions, will not leave my mind. They both haunt and irritate me. I’m fed up with being afraid and I’m frustrated with being manipulated. I’d really like the doubt and the anxiety to go away. My brain and my psyche are tired of having so very much to process and having to sacrifice my happy dream space each night.


This short reading is aimed at getting answers from a higher power, because I keep circling the question and continuously asking: “What would X, Y, Z… have to say?”

Like what would my grandmother, who has passed, wish to impart?

What would Gandhi think and how would he advise us?

How about Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, the previous Pope, the last Dali Lama, or Sylvia Plath, even…?

I’d be curious? I think a pandemic might have pushed all of them close to the edge.


Here, in this space (nestled safely within the vessel of today), we can ask, honing the question to our exact query, to the precise thing that is bothering or perplexing us, picturing that ‘person’ in our minds… and allowing the cards to attempt their reply.

The Page of Swords is fairly certain when he tells us to hit the books, for there is a need for further study. The only way to know what to think and how to act, is to educate yourself generously. So… More information. A broader source-bank. A higher vantage point. For only when you can see clearly can you attempt a rounded reply.

The Knight of Swords then stirs the pot, offering up the challenge to take it forwards, making that information, that truth, your grail. Like Jesus, Gandhi, Mandela, etc., take your word to the people. Make it known. Get it seen. Have it heard. Bring light and comfort to the meek by removing the web of lies.

And if that’s all a bit too much… well, at least you have a starting point and something to work towards and the freedom to temper it into whatever shape or form you want to fit your life.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

How can I heal my thyroid 🦋 and speak my truth?

Today’s reading is all about the thyroid and the throat chakra, an energy and a physical centre of much angst and confusion. We all struggle to speak our truth, some of us more than others. Childhood, schooling, life experiences… have pushed it into corners. Each slight or harsh remark. Each person who ignored us or shut us down. Each failed attempt at expressing what was in our heart. They all impact our confidence in who and how we are. Perhaps you suppress your truth in order to appeal or appease? Perhaps life is simply simpler that way. Perhaps owning your truth, your real you, would rock a steady boat?

Wherever you are in regards to that voice, that truth, it’s ok. This is not supposed to be a short journey or one you are meant to reach the end of too soon. It’s a continual expanding and growing, one that you will continue to nurture for the rest of your days. But your throat and your thyroid, if they are speaking/hurting, indicate stagnation and blocks, and this is what we want to be focussing on here. 

This two card reading will help you to do just that so that you can be you with more confidence.

The Page of Pentacles shows us where we are, which is actually a pretty good place, even if we might not currently think so. No matter how we feel and what we are experiencing, we have done a lot of work and moved a long way. Now, however, we are stuck, in that place of looking to others, higher powers, for answers… and maybe we have asked and learned all there is to know… and done our done due diligence and our apprenticeship… and are actually ready, armed with enough experience and learning, to go into the world? It’s time to take a deep breath, man (or woman) -up and trust. You’ve created and crafted a beautiful seed. Now you need to plant it.

The Knight of Pentacles is the perfect next step and partner to the Page. The future and the solution lie in finding out what tree that seed will grow. What is your calling? What is your cause? Who are you really supposed to be? Point yourself in that direction, take a deep grounding breath, and put your feet into action. One step at a time, checking in daily, follow that yellow (solar plexus, intuition, gut instinct) bricked road.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering the pandemic, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add.

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x