Get thee behind me or get thee gone.

The focus here is ‘coping in the moment‘, drawing on the skills and wisdom of the inner parent that is present in each and every one of us: for who better to assist us than that wiser, more worldly part; the part who has been here before, multiple times; the part that was also inherited, who has lived in our mother and father, our grandparents, and all of their mothers and fathers who came and lived and breathed before?

When life is hard. When situations are restrictive and limiting. When the outlook appears somewhat bleak. When there is no certainty or clear forward path. When we lack power and control, personal autonomy. And we can all relate at different times in our life to these. We need a broader perspective, a higher vantage point, a less biased view. We need someone who can step outside of the picture, or who can come in from outside and sit with us in our discomfort within it. We need someone who has been there before, who has experienced these things, or similar, in their own lifetimes. We need us, from the past and from the future and from parallel lives. And we need the US who existed inside our ancestors as cells. For this Us is stronger and wiser and much more grounded and able to guide us, like a therapist or a mentor, only with more precision and skill.

The Seven of Fire, also the Seven of Wands, delivers an answer with a power kick; more like a truth bomb, a dose of tough love, a Joan of Arc no more hiding behind proverbial skirts.

The woman in the card suffers no fools and takes no prisoners. She says “get with me, or get thee gone”. Her message, as stated, “Stand up for yourself and your beliefs! Have confidence. Challenge those in power but also choose your battles wisely.” is perhaps exactly what we need to hear. She knows the answers to her own problems. She understands the source of her pain. She sees what is blocking her and she steps into her own authority, firmly taking responsibility for her path. No more waiting for a saviour, no more wasting time with the wrong person and people, no more suffering fools… The world has changed. The world is still changing. And we have changed too. What fitted doesn’t necessarily fit comfortably now. We have seen where we were dragging dead weight. We know our allies and we see our enemies for what they really are. Just because someone is our …….. (fill in the blanks) it doesn’t mean we are supposed to be with them, to suffer under them, with them, for them. We are sovereign and free. The outside is trying to tell us otherwise. It is a projection of the inside. In realising that we are our own saviour, we are our own hero, parent, guide, counsel and friend, we realise we are infinite and eternal and capable of magnificent things.

Do not limit yourself to your reality. Open your eyes and enter into your imagination. Test that space. Build a world inside it. Breathe life into it so that it comes to be. Know, above everything, that you are powerful, mighty, capable and brave. You didn’t get this far, suffer this much, only to quit.

Often, you are the answer you seek. The path you look around for lies right at your feet.

Is it in my highest good to walk away from this relationship ‘right now’, or am I supposed to stay where I am for the time being? 🧵

Relationship reading for romantic, familial and platonic relationships to see if the person in question is worth all of the effort and/or even supposed to still be in your life.

Relationships can be tricky things, especially if we really care for the person we are with, and even more so if we have been together for a long time. But regardless of the duration of your relationship: knowing whether you are in the right place and just journeying through something on a cosmic level that needs to be aired and shared and is supposed to be happening to and for the both of you in order for a trauma (yours or ancestral) to be healed, or whether you are stuck stubbornly treading water because the path you were on together has reached its end and you just aren’t ready to see and accept that as the case yet, is pretty important and vital. Getting it wrong can lead to unnecessary pain and cost time in years. We come together for a reason, always, no matter who we are with and who we meet. Even the disasters are supposed to be. What isn’t supposed to be, however, is a prolonged bad anything. It is not ok to be in a relationship where there is a lack of respect. It is not ok for there to be a dismissal of personal boundaries. It is not ok for there to be shouting and anger and unkind words if those actions aren’t swiftly followed by a retraction, surrender and apology. There are good relationships and there are bad relationships and there are extenuating circumstances. But even here there are lines and there is a limit to what we should be ok with.

Are you putting up with more than you should be and accepting less than you deserve?

Are you in a stalemate and waiting for someone who doesn’t want to, or has been left behind, to catch up and change?

Are you accepting second, or even third or fourth, best behaviour when you need and in your heart you know you should be experiencing so much more?

This reading is intended to be a guide to help you to sort through the questions that you are juggling so that you can come away feeling more decided and clear. It is not a black and white answer. It is not a “yes” or “no”. It is a conversation you can have with yourself while or after you are listening to me to hold up the mirror of truth to what is. What you do next is up to you.

This reading’s cards come from the Dreaming Way Tarot; deck by Rome Choi, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. with artwork by Kwon Shina. Check out their website if you can find it (I can’t) if you like what you see and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Six of Pentacles
  • The Seven of Swords
  • The Nine of Pentacles

Watch the video below to find out what it’s message is. Then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

Below is a brief summary of the cards pulled in case you don’t have time to watch the video. But you will get much more from it if you do.

The Wheel of Fortune sits in the position of the past and shows a women spinning at a wheel with a spindle, trying but failing to spin a perfect spool of yarn. She’s on her knees, up close and personal to her equipment, putting her heart and soul into it. And her intentions are pure. Yet we can see she’s failing miserably, unable to produce a satisfactory, or even a useable, result. Instead, what she is producing appears to be a tangled mess. This card indicates that in the past you have tried, over and over, to create and to live within a healthy right relationship with both yourself and your partner(s) but there have been blocks that have always stood in your way and no matter how often you showed up or how hard you tried, something was always there thwarting your efforts and tearing your achievements and progress down. Perhaps this was just your fate and there is/was nothing you can or could have done about it? Perhaps it’s because it takes two to create a beautiful relationship and you have/are mostly sat working the wheel alone? Or perhaps it’s simply because you are forever choosing the wrong thread? Sit with this and reassess the situation and let that guide you how to best continue.

The Six of Pentacles sits in the position of the present and shows us a woman begging at the feet of a man. She is wearing white, as well as wearing a turban, which shows us she is on a spiritual path and that her intentions, at least here, are pure. Next to her there is a beggar, humbled and desperate, happy to accept any scraps that are given regardless of their quantity or quality. But the man they are prostrating themselves to, who looks at least materially wealthy, as in rich in objects and earthly things, is on a different path and has distractions which do not concern them. They are there as dependants, things that need taking care of once in a while, things that can be subdued and placated with a little every so often, like a pet, but not there as a focus of energy or attention in his life. Neither the woman nor the beggar are a priority, or even of much concern or importance at all. Which leaves the woman having to pay for the attention and time she gets in acts of service and kindness and the beggar involuntarily wearing a crown of humility and gratitude for something that is essentially useless. One has become a prostitute in an attempt to get their needs met, the other an acolyte. And all the while the former is still hoping to receive time and tenderness and the latter something useful like a job. This card is calling into question the matter of balance in your life and how even and fair things are. If there is inequality in your relationship; if one person is giving too much and the other showing up only to take: things need talking about and changing immediately if there is to be a harmonious future ahead.

The Seven of Swords – which pairs with this card in the present – highlights more energetic imbalances. Here we see a man running away from us, legging it home in order to stash his horde of swords. He is a thief, running off with what isn’t his because instead of earning it fairly or being given it freely as something that wanted to be given, he has snuck in and taken it regardless, to have and to keep all for himself. There is no unity here, no comradeship, no ‘you’ and ‘me’. It is all ‘mine’, ‘mine’, ‘mine’; absolutely no sharing. This man is scared that he will not have enough or not be prepared for whatever it is he believes is coming and for that reason he is not working together with you; he is just building his own home according to his design. This could be a mental home or a career home, but it’s not a love one. For a love reading: note how there are no love or romance cards. We are lacking the suit of Cups. And we are lacking the energy of union and comradeship too. It’s each to their own and one man against the world, so where does that leave you? Maybe you are included in this ‘my house’, ‘my world’ mentality. And if so: is it where you really want to be? Is it the energy you want to fill a home with? And if not: where does that leave you and what is happening to your house?

The Nine of Pentacles sits in the space of the future and shows us a woman celebrating financial success after having planted a crop of seeds which have grown to yield a healthy crop. This card is telling us that we have to separate our energies and focus more on ourselves. Which means we also have to stop pouring all of our time and energy into others. The overriding message here is, “first fix yourself”, applying your own oxygen mask before turning to the problems and dramas of those around you, for they will always be there and you can never keep up because the world is forever turning. If you can do this while in your current relationship and choose to do so: then by all means try. The universe is behind you here because it’s in the cards for you to succeed in what you turn your hand to. But if you find that you are too distracted or your time is not your own, or you are not emotionally able to focus on or begin anything from the space you are in now: then the message is to cut the thread, disentangle your energy and your life and begin again alone. You are strong and whatever you apply yourself to, so long as you are not distracted by things that are outside of and, ultimately, beyond your grasp, will grow. Decide how you want to grow and what you want to be growing and then figure out the type of soil you need to be tilling and nurturing.


If you would like to know more about me and the things that stir me, ignite me and light me up and would also like to hear more about my personal take on things that are important and relevant to the collective right now… I discuss them on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health, finance and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x

Why does this keep happening to me? 🐞

Ever wondered why – when you are just going about your quiet, polite business – you suddenly get attacked? Or asked: what is it about me that just attracts this kind of behaviour? Ever had your day totally turned upside down by another person’s outburst when all you were doing was minding your own business and trying to be inconspicuous and nice? I think most of us have.

But why does this happen? And why, specifically, is it happening now?

This reading is intended to dial in to the energy of the perpetrator, the he or she who is or has attacked you, in order to better understand it and from there proceed with a bit more compassion for the source. After all, if we better understand our own energy and see him or her not as an antagonist but as a teacher and a guide, life becomes more pleasant and manageable. The medicine, the lesson they are here to help us to learn, is sweeter.

So… why are you attracting this behaviour and why does it keep happening?

The King of Swords is a sad and lonely individual. See how he sits in isolation on the top of an uninhabited hill, perched on the edge of a cliff with no one for company. See how his clothes are heavy and oversized, like they were intended for someone else. His sword too. And his throne is narrow and hard. It is not a comfortable or a family-oriented place. He has great ambition and lofty goals – he seeks to rule and own a kingdom – but just keeping his throne and not getting usurped takes up all of his daily energy. And somehow he doesn’t trust the world or anyone in it anymore, so he can’t let anyone come close in case their softness and goodness rubs off on him and makes him weak. When he attacks you, therefore, it’s not personal. It’s not what you did or said. It’s your energy and light, coupled with his unconscious awareness of your desire to step in and be of service were you to get to know him in any way. He senses your empathy and compassion for all people, your desire to help those who are in need, and this threatens his code and agreement with the world, because if he were to also see all people as good and worthy, then he couldn’t be king, because being king requires that you trample those who are beneath you and consider them underfoot, and you cannot hope to acquire wealth and great fortune unless you are aloof, disassociated and strong. A king lives, after all, off the taxes of the people.

The Seven of Pentacles reveals who the King of Swords used to be, before he lost himself to ambition. This man is the boy next door, a man who has come from humble beginnings and who has big dreams, a man who believes in the universe and in a kind world. But while the king dreams of owning a kingdom and ruling over those whom he considers weak, while he considers his own importance paramount regardless of the cost: the Seven seeks only to own a humble plot and to manage his crop. He too seeks to own and rule over a kingdom, but it is a private one and it has a cap. He would like a few fields, a few vines, enough wealth to manage his land and employ help where necessary, the means to clothe and feed his family and meet their needs. He is the same man as the king, but he is open and trusting and grounded and he does not fear that what is his will be taken if he isn’t always on the offensive and up for a fight.

So now we understand the personality of the energy that is attacking or draining us, and have more compassion for it and understanding of its nature, the Ladybird is here to offer us some wisdom and advice.

  • Accept happiness and good fortune where you find them.
  • Look for the gifts that are scattered subtly and sweetly about your life.
  • Focus on the good things and use them to balance out the things that you don’t like.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • And when you have dark forces, chords and entanglements that need to be cleared, turn to the ladybird for help. They are specialised in flapping their wings and flying you back home.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x