My experience is a clear indication of the thoughts I think.

“If you say to yourself: I am the creator of my experience, and I choose recovery at this time… you can recover. These words are easily said by us and not so easily heard by those who do not believe in their power to create, but your experience always reflects the balance of your thoughts. Your experience is a clear indication of the thoughts that you think. When you change the thoughts you are thinking, your experience, or indicator, must change, also. It is law.”

Health and the Law of Attraction cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

When asking how can I heal this (insert ‘this’ of your choice), my thoughts are thus…

This card speaks of the thorns you carry on your person, namely those that have been positioned behind your back.

Did you insert them?

Were they inherited?

Were they driven in either with or without your knowledge or consent?

Or were they accumulated as a result of your path through life?

How many of us feel this? Like we are the victims of lifetime’s of psychic attack.

The woman on this card has become aware of these things and is just awakening. She can sense that her spine is like a dragon’s back, finned with scales. Only the scales are thorns and blades that have been put there in an absence of love rather than in the Holy Creation Act.

She sees also that her own arms are like knives and that she too has been inadvertently adding to this collection of wounds. And in this seeing she realises, perhaps for the first time, that she can take action to release herself. No longer is she powerless. She can choose recovery any time she likes, it is simply a matter of letting go of everything she believes about her life, Self and environment.

This card seeks to shake/shock you awake with its message. Remember your own power for you are only a victim so long as you choose to believe in it. That story is not your own, it is not your birthright, it is not your Karma either. It was one you were given and told to own repeatedly until you at some point came to believe it.

Let go. Design a different future.

For this I am truly grateful. 🏆

Sunday Scripture: to help you to future-proof your week.

This week’s reading comes from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, published by U.S. Games Systems, INC., with artwork based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith and the Ask and It Is Given cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks, published by Hay House Publishing. Check out their individual websites to find out more if you like what you hear, and see or go to Amazon to get your own deck.

As we move into August, the focus is about celebrating what you have achieved thus far and channeling that energy in order to create and plan for more of it, along with looking out for energetic vampires in your life and thinking before you speak.

The cards drawn are:

  • The Nine of Cups
  • The Seven of Swords
  • The Knight of Swords

Watch the video below to find out what it’s message is. Then send me a message and share what it awoke or sparked in you.

The Nine of Cups is our card for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It reminds us that we have accomplished many things over the course of this year, both big and small, all valid and worthy. And it bids us sit back and give thanks and appreciation for this. Perhaps you took up yoga, learnt meditation, started a daily self-love practice, turned vegan, gave up processed foods, started juicing, built muscle, lost fat, got rid of chemical products, began researching or studying a new subject, stood up for something you believed in, formed a support group, held a friend through a crisis, shifted focus in your career, etc. Whatever it is and how many there are, take time to pat yourself on the back. Note how you followed your intuition, acted from your heart and lived by your truth, all the while remaining humble and grounded. This is how we create a display cabinet full of many cups, and a life full of merit.

The Seven of Swords is our card for Thursday and Friday and it shows a man stealing from another’s camp. It warns us that either someone else is going to come into our home and try to take something from us – maybe only connecting in order to ask a favour or get some advice – or we are going to be tempted or called upon to do that to someone else. Be on the look-out for energy vampires both big and small and maybe lean into a bit of energy vampire scaldaggery yourself in order to get your needs met.

The Knight of Swords is our card for the weekend and it shows us a knight charging into battle. He is moving fast and travelling through inclement weather, hell-bent on his holy grail. Perhaps you are going to feel compelled to stand up for something you believe in that might not go down so well with everyone in your life? Or maybe someone is going to come at you with their own specific truth? Either way, what is being communicated might not be palatable for everyone. If it’s you doing the preaching, make sure you are truly aligned with what you are communicating and prepared for what might come back. And if it is something that is coming at you, just be mindful that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you don’t have to take it personally. One person’s truth could be another person’s lie. Stay grounded and centred and don’t rush in. What we say in haste we often regret.


If you would like to know more about what is going on right now and would also like to hear more about my thoughts… I discuss the things that are coming up for me and how I am attempting to mother, manage, navigate and clear them in my own life on my YouTube channel in a section called A Little Light.

There are also lots of tarot card readings covering topical issues, as well as love, relationships, career, health and life, etc.

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact me here – Book a Tarot Reading 📆 and together we can plant the seeds for transformation, change and healing in your life.


Have a browse, give me a thumbs up, subscribe and leave a comment if you have anything you would like to share, ask or add. 

Thank you for reading and have a brave and beautiful day. x