Be not afraid, only believe. (Mark 5:36)

As I sit down to write this, the time is 15.15 on the 18th January 2021, which strikes me as pertinent.

15.15 = 1+5 . 1+5 = 6.6

18, 01, 2021 = 1+8+0+1+2+0+2+1 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

So one could say that the numbers add up in a way that is significant, which has been talked about a lot lately (in certain circles), so immediately draws my attention.

Also, when talking about God and Jesus and using religious oracle cards, Loving Words from Jesus by Doreen Virtue, it seems pretty relevant. Heaven and Hell go hand in hand. If you believe in one then you must also lend credence to the other. For every light there is an equal opposing dark, etc.

Is this a warning? Step away. Stop. Do not meddle. You have no place being where you are right now.

Or is is a message? Do not be afraid. Have faith. I am right there with you and I will protect you from harm. You are safe and you will be saved.

The message I asked for was “what would be most helpful for me to hear today?” And by me I mean the beautiful soul who has alighted here, the soul who I asked to be guided to this page so that it and it’s message could be of strength, use and comfort.

And the answer coming trust came forth is thus…

You feel like you have slipped and fallen. You feel like you are hurt and weak. You feel like you are stuck and drowning. You feel like you have been thrown into something deeper, darker and more sinister than you signed up for at your inception and that there is no way out now for you. You feel like the waters get colder and more turbulent and bent on destroying you each and every day. You feel like as the pace accelerates and the light fades you in your entirety is being swept away. You feel alone, stranded, without friends. You have lost much, perhaps everything. You do not know who to turn to, reach out to or trust. You may not even have anyone. You feel like it’s you against it all and your power and guidance are failing you. You can’t see straight, hear right, speak freely as you would wish to. And you are confused because on the surface the world still looks to be ok, although the veil is vanishing.

The card answers. Jesus hears you, sees you, acknowledges your struggles and pain. He is here for you, now as he always has been, and he will help you find your way. You have not been abandoned. He knows exactly where you are, and he will lift you out as soon as he deems the timing is right.

Note how he has a child in his arms. You are not the first he is rescuing. Perhaps up until now he has been busy working to help secure others who are much more vulnerable? In times of need, those whose need is greatest must always come first.

Help is on its way. Salvation is coming. Trust. Be patient. And have faith.